Monogamy is insane... Lets Do it

I come from what is termed as a "broken home".

My home is not broken. I have a father and mother who both love me. They are the perfect example of what monogamy does to good people.

It splits them, seperates them, confuses them and destroyes them (for a while).

So why do we do it? When I say “we” I refer to the human race, influenced by society.

That right there is the key; humans influenced by society. I think that it is absolutely insane to be with one person for 50+ years. Mind numbingly scary.

I had dinner with my Dad tonight. His girlfriend was there.

Girlfriend: At my age I think that we [my Dad and her] are married.

Dad: *confused look*

Nic: *more confused look*

Girlfriend: What's the difference between having a husband or a boyfriend at my age?

Nic: Nothing.

Dad: *confused look* Nothing.

And a very good point she makes. Monogamy should equal commitment. But at different ages monogamy and commitment mean very different things. At 22 Commitment is sort of: "Lets do this and see how far we take it", at 26 it's kind of: "We're still doing this, what does it mean?", at 33 it becomes: "OH FUCK!! We're still doing this my mom thinks we should get married."

What happens? Where does it go from lets screw around a bit to lets get married? This concerns me.

I personaly believe in evolution and survival of the fittest. I believe that men and women are meant to procreate, not necessarily with the same person forever. I think that one needs to stay monogamous while in a "committed relationship", but when that one has served its course be realistic and move on. Don't stay together for the kids. Marriage is a man made concept that is implimented by a religion which is also a man made concept.

Marriage is great if you can get out of it quickly and easily when you feel the need. I am not saying book out at the first chance. I am saying that when all else fails, leave. Save yourself and everyone, i mean everyone, around you the trauma of a reckless and messy divorce.

Divorce, ah, now there's a little ripper. There is only divorce because there is marriage. Not so? Divorce is put in place to make leaving a marriage difficult. On one side that is a great thing, you stay and try to work things out cause it is too much admin and paper work to leave. On the other hand, divorce and the stigma attached to it binds people unhappily in to a marriage.I will get married. Hopefully to someone that I feel is the one. Hopefully to the girl I'm with right now. But those are just hopes. I have said this before, Love is not enough to keep a relationship going. Love is a movie myth that fucks with your mind. I believe in Love strongly but I believe in makig it work, in compromise in giving, taking and talking. I believe that if you find a person who shares these views with you, that you will be happy for as long as your love allows, not for ever, but for as close to it as possible.

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