Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Back in buzzing JHB

I am back. I promise that I will be posting pics from my holiday soon and updating everyone about the year ahead and more specifically the weeks ahead.A few things broke down in St Francis, one of which was my Vodacom mobile internet and the other was my Xbox but more updates about both soon. Here's to a great '08

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

The Honest Post

The honest postThis is going to be the most honest thing that I have written in years. I am going to make this simple, and let it be known that life happens to people while they’re living.I am scared that the love that I have will leave me. I am scared that I will die. I am not scared of death. I am scared of what I will never experience because of death. I don’t think I will live to old age, I don’t think that I will die young. I know that there are some things that I will never get the chance to do, never get to feel, live or experience and that scares me. I am scared of failure. I think that everyone is. I am scared of success. I think everyone is.I am in love, but scared to love. I am in lust but scared to touch. I am a success but scared to be successful and living while scared to feel. I am brave but a coward and weak while trying to be strong. I am none of the things that I say I am and everything at the same time.I’m not sure why I am writing all of this but to be honest I think that we all feel like we are alone, but we are not. I know that I am loved and in love, I know that I have friends and I make sure that my friends know they have me. I am trying to get better at telling the people I love that I do love them and telling the people I hate that I don’t.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Bite him, Hard

Had lunch at my Aunts house today. I have three cousing, one is a bit of a laatlammetjie (late comer) the other two are 13 and 15 (I think).So anyways, Alex the 2 year old, is lying down with Christi (13) and starts biting her. She yelps, we laugh and he carries on like any two year old would. He bites her again, looks up at us and puts on a huge smile that only a 2 year old could. He bites her again. This time it is a proper "I'm two, I'm a big boy, feel my bite" sort of bite. We laugh (Me and Nicole, yes, I'm Nic and my cousin is Nicole, I'm Greek, what do you expect?) and carry on.Christi then threatens to bite Alex back. Dot, my Aunt says sure go for it, and this is how the conversation continued and ended:Christi: I'm gonna bite him MomDot: Ok, sure, go for itChristi: But if I bite him you're gonna shout at me and say he's only two how could IDot: No, I wont, bite him and lets seeChristi: (leans over to Alex and...CHOMP)Alex: (Balls his little eyes out clutches his arm and yelps with 'pain')Dot: CHRISTI!!!!!!Christi: You see, I told you you would shout at meDot: But you just bit him... HE'S ONLY TWO!!!!!!Alex cries as only a two year old can cry, that dry, empty, "I forgot why I'm crying" kind of cry. He then gets over it, looks up at Dot and says: "I bite Chisti" (He cant pronounce the 'r' in Christi).He gets up, walks towards her with a smile on his face and SMACK, whacks her on the leg, throws his dummie out of his mouth, leans in and CHOMP bites her on the leg. That's it, games over, fun's done and it's Time Out for Alex.Life is a game at two years old. We could learn alot from that.In no way, shape or form do I condone biting, unless the person has asked you to do it!

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Monogamy is insane... Lets Do it

I come from what is termed as a "broken home".

My home is not broken. I have a father and mother who both love me. They are the perfect example of what monogamy does to good people.

It splits them, seperates them, confuses them and destroyes them (for a while).

So why do we do it? When I say “we” I refer to the human race, influenced by society.

That right there is the key; humans influenced by society. I think that it is absolutely insane to be with one person for 50+ years. Mind numbingly scary.

I had dinner with my Dad tonight. His girlfriend was there.

Girlfriend: At my age I think that we [my Dad and her] are married.

Dad: *confused look*

Nic: *more confused look*

Girlfriend: What's the difference between having a husband or a boyfriend at my age?

Nic: Nothing.

Dad: *confused look* Nothing.

And a very good point she makes. Monogamy should equal commitment. But at different ages monogamy and commitment mean very different things. At 22 Commitment is sort of: "Lets do this and see how far we take it", at 26 it's kind of: "We're still doing this, what does it mean?", at 33 it becomes: "OH FUCK!! We're still doing this my mom thinks we should get married."

What happens? Where does it go from lets screw around a bit to lets get married? This concerns me.

I personaly believe in evolution and survival of the fittest. I believe that men and women are meant to procreate, not necessarily with the same person forever. I think that one needs to stay monogamous while in a "committed relationship", but when that one has served its course be realistic and move on. Don't stay together for the kids. Marriage is a man made concept that is implimented by a religion which is also a man made concept.

Marriage is great if you can get out of it quickly and easily when you feel the need. I am not saying book out at the first chance. I am saying that when all else fails, leave. Save yourself and everyone, i mean everyone, around you the trauma of a reckless and messy divorce.

Divorce, ah, now there's a little ripper. There is only divorce because there is marriage. Not so? Divorce is put in place to make leaving a marriage difficult. On one side that is a great thing, you stay and try to work things out cause it is too much admin and paper work to leave. On the other hand, divorce and the stigma attached to it binds people unhappily in to a marriage.I will get married. Hopefully to someone that I feel is the one. Hopefully to the girl I'm with right now. But those are just hopes. I have said this before, Love is not enough to keep a relationship going. Love is a movie myth that fucks with your mind. I believe in Love strongly but I believe in makig it work, in compromise in giving, taking and talking. I believe that if you find a person who shares these views with you, that you will be happy for as long as your love allows, not for ever, but for as close to it as possible.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 License.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Women Abuse by South African Males

Jen has posted about men in South Africa and some ridiculously scary stats having to do with women abuse. I am glad that she didnt get all feminist up in here cause that woulda put me in an awkward position. But I must say that she handled the issue well, got her point across and should be commended for it. "Thank You" is a post that applauds the good guys, knocks the rapist but focuses on the positives, not negative.I am proud to say that I am one of the men that she speaks of in the post. Give it a read and be proud to be a South African Male who does not abuse women.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Happy Birthday Swaggs

Ok, so I must admit, I was out last night. Not by choice I might add. It was a friend of mine's birthday. I will mention no names and implicate no man in the deeds of the unknown. None of us were anywhere and no one did anything. We didnt see much the whole evening or do anyon...thing the whole night. It was, all in all, a boring evening of clothed happening and non-alcoholic drinks. I swear it was. I promise.


But I must mention, in a very vague kind of way, that i was a little bit judgemental last night. One of the other party people and I were talking in amongst the boredom, about how we looked down upon the other party goers for their occupations and couldnt actually look at them in any other light. It didnt stop us from 'socialising' with them, but it was definately not the type of crowd I am fond of. I probably wont see those people again for another year if I have anything to do with it, if you know what I mean. If not, your not a guy.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Hung over, hung over, I hate saturday

Well it's Saturday and I'm a little hung over, not too badly (Jen, I didnt drive in circles, i got home perfect) but still hung over. Havent had a hang over in a while, it hurts.

But what I actually wanted to write about here is a little anecdote that keeps me happy at clubs: Last night I was sitting up stairs at Manhatten looking down on the dancefloor. It was 2:30am and I wasnt a particularly happy fellow cause I was tired and wanted to leave. But I couldn't pull myself away from staring at the dancefloor. What I do at clubs when I am bored, tired, sick of, is look at the dancefloor and imagine that there isn't any music... then watch the people dancing. Wow we look stupid when we dance. even good dancers, take away the music and there's no point. So that kept me busy last night for nearly an hour. The flickr photo of me to the right is at about 3am... Joy.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Feeling a bit down, feeling a bit lonely

I've just read a post on Sheetal's blog. It's a bit of a rant I guess but something she said resonates with me and I agree with it 100%. I often feel this way and wish that people knew, but often I am too nice to tell them to fuck off, which I think everyone needs to do sometimes.Here is what Sheets said:

Just once, I'd like someone to ask me how my day was ...and be genuinely interested in knowing about it...Just once, I'd like someone to remember an important test that I have to write - and wish me luck for it...Just once, I wish someone would give ME a hug, just for the hell of it.Just once, I wish conversations wouldn't only be all about the other person...

I would like to say thanks to Sheets for saying what I am sure that so many people feel on a regular basis.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Sacre Coeur, Paris

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

London, Paris, Jen

For those lesser informed individuals, I have been in London for two weeks. The reason for my trip was to visit Jen. I did that. And this is how the trip went (I will be providing an abridged version):

  • Day 1: Saw Jen for the first time in over 7 months I think it is. What an amazing feeling. It just fits. Dullich to Visit my Yiayia (Grandmother for those English folk reading). Her Husband is sick. No not my Grandfather, her husband. Nice to see her.
  • Day 2: Travel to our homebase just near South Africa, oh wait, did I say South Africa, I meant Wimbledon. Moved on to Dorset. Jen's one Aunt (Caro) lives there. Nice relaxed weekend.
  • Day 3: Got Sick. From here on... I am sick. In fact, Im still sick.
  • Day 4 - 6: Did the Touristy stuff with Jen cause she's been working so hard she hasn't done any of it. Picadilly, Liecester Square, Regent Str, Oxford, Harrods, Hamleys, went to the Dali Musem. Go to the theatre to see Chicago. Covent Gardens Lost electricity so show was cancelled (we had to book a matinee show on friday afternoon. Spend lots of time with Sarah, Jen's lovely sister who was Uber nice to me and made me feel very much at home. Friday night have a night out in Clapham. Hydro Bar then The Grand. I think i spent about R800 that night, not sure.
  • Day7-9: Visit Jen's other Aunt (Val) in Kent. This was accompanied by a meeting of a third Aunt (Gill) and both of their families. Very pleasent weekend spent there. Then we made a trip to Edgeware area to meet some of my family. Nice to meet with some South Africa Greeks in amidst of all the Brits that I met!!
  • Day10-12: PARIS!!!!!! Jen went above and beyond the call of duty and booked us in to a hotel in Paris for two night and three days. What an amazing time. Paris in the Autumn (ish) is wonderful and the company was grand. Just me and Jen. I would love to say that it was a much needed break, but we walked out little toushies off seeing Paris. Jen had never been so i took the liberty of showing her around a bit. The Louvre, The Eiffel Tower, The Champs-Elysse, Monmatre and SacreCoure (Excuse the spelling). We got Charicatures done, had french baguettes, ate snailsPhoto-0304.jpg and duck, samon and chicken, cakes and desserts and LOADS of wine. Was incredible. I would suggest Paris to any couple looking for a nice brief getaway.
  • Day 13: Home time for me and the terrible prospect of leaving Jen and subsequent SHOCKER of a flight home, which you can read about below.

And that is that. In a nutshell of course.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Flickr Trp

I have nice and neatly placed my moblog photos in a set for those interested to view my entire trip as i blogged it.

Click here NOW to access the Set.

Here is my Picasa Online Album. I found the Picasa online tool fairly easy to use. Upgrade today.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

And Im Back online

So its been a week since my last post (about). I am now in Kent I think. Staying with Jen's aunt for a night or so to celebrate her birthday. I finally have time and wireless to sit down with and post a bit and do some work and mull over the good things in life (there are many).Firstly, thanks to everyone who's been in contact with me since i left, nice work. Jason, Good job on the whole VJ Thing, never doubted you'd do well. How'd the Vesa thing go for the states? Oh, also, Jen and I went to see Chicago in the theatre yesterday...guess who was the lead actress?? Ashley Simpson. Thought that you'd enjoy that! She was pretty good. show was incredible.Weather has been pretty good, mostly sunny, but chilly with the rain only starting to fall two days ago.Jen has booked us a two night trip to Paris, leaving on monday. We are taking the Eurostar and staying in a fancy hotel. Ive done a bit of shopping; found myself an amazing coat (Yes, its winter here and i know its summer in SA, thanks) that i thought i needed to purchase, so I did.Um, there are lots of photos to be seen but i dont have the inclination to bother with that sorta stuff right now. well over it.Ok, thats it for the update, things going strong and will be home by thursday. Have a good weekend.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

This is it

Here it is, my last post for two weeks... maybe.

I am now going to get ready for my flight. I have extended my flickr badge on the right so that more pictures are displayed. I will hopefully be moblogging my trip so check it out to see some photos of me and jen and our trip.

Thats it from me. Shutter closed.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

One more sleep

It's Wed night, its 11pm, im tired but cant sleep, im excited but its delayed.

Im scheduled to fly in exactly 22 hours. wow, that could be 22 days, 22 months right now. Time drags on and on, especially when I am going to see her.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

This one goes out to the one i love.

I am one of the happiest people in the world on this magnificent Sunday evening. I have come back from Captivate, as I have posted below. It was great but I have more fish to fry. I am off to London on Wednesday evening. I am going to see someone whom I love dearly and I miss. I am leaving my life (the internet) in Jozi .

I will not be taking my laptop, I will not be blogging, I will not be reachable on my cellphone or anywhere else for that matter. However I will be looking in to extending my Flickr badge on the right so that I can Moblog.

To those of you who know who I am talking about, I will deliver what you have asked. To those of you who dont know the lovely lady in question, She incredible.

I have two more days of blogging, my last post for two weeks will be on wednesday.

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