Early to bed, Early to.. go %$#^ yourself

I am usually not awake and driving before 8:30am. There is a good reason for this. It is not because I am lazy, I promise you I am not. It is not cause I like to snuggle in my bed for an extra hour and it is not because I don't have a job. It is simply because I hate traffic with a passion. To be honest, I can even deal with the traffic. It's the freakin' morons that drive their cars in the traffic that grate my goat (yes, I own a goat now).Why is it that people feel that it is acceptable to drive like blind retarded pigs because they are on their way to work? Drive like regular folk, on a regular schedule in a regular car on a regular road. The fact that you and 4 million other people are on their way to work does not make your irrational and idiotic driving any more acceptable.So do everyone a favour; slow down and keep your head screwed on to your shoulders facing forward. Thanks.


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