Bare Naked Ladies and Amie Street

Bare Naked Ladies (BNL) and the website Amie Street have ganged up on the die hard muso's of days past. It seems as though more and more bands are releasing their albums digitally before they release on CD. If you can't beat them, join them I reckon.Amie Street is a website that sells artists music. There is a twist however, the price of the songs starts at zero, yes nothing. Then the more downloads the music receives, the higher the price. The price climbs until a roof of $0.98 per song is hit, then downloads simply continue as is!Great idea and I applaud BNL for making use of the technology and massive web market available to them. Let's be honest, the web market is going to take the music whether they are paying for it or not. At least this way they are paying a nominal price and even nothing at one point or another.


Early to bed, Early to.. go %$#^ yourself


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