Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Alive in Baghdad

Yes, America fixed everything. Fucking idiots. Visit Alive in Baghdad for real footage of real people after a car bomb, the truth is in the aftermath. Go and watching the site for more incidents and stories. The Videos contained on the site can become graphic so if you are a sensitive and touchy viewer stear clear. What an incredible Vlog.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Chiliboy Ralepelle - Captain

This is un-fucking-believable and makes me so proud to be South African. I just read via my RSS reader on News24 that Chiliboy Ralepelle will be the first black captain, as well as the youngest at 20 years old, of the Springboks.


That is absolutely awesome. Him and old Jake White go way back to the SA under 21 world cup winning team. Jake being the coach Chiliboy being the captain. So in fact, this is a welcome and familiar change for both.However I must ask: is South Africa not pushing their players forward too quickly? Old Jacques Francois Stein is only a young 19, Chilliboy captain at 20. Where to from here? 16 year olds? I personally think we are breaking our players in to mainstream a bit too early. They haven't hit their peaks mentally or physically and could potentially crumble and destroy their rugby careers if they aren't careful. Why not rather bench them and integrate them slowly in to the team with time and care and caution?Check out the Chumpstyle for more opinion on this topic.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Google Answers Shuts Down

Google Answers is officially shutting down. I guess that I was right in my previous post about the money hungry company's ideals suffering and a loss of profit following. The only reason Google is the best is becuase they had the best product to start and that is because they are passionate about what they are/were/continue to do.Paul Stamatiou agrees with this, he wrote about it in his post about the Google Answers. Only +-800 participants in the site in over 4 years. That just goes to show that when you are asking for money for a service that isn't 100% worth it you will fail, everytime, all the time.Go back to what you know Google or fear losing to someone more passionate. For every Microsoft there is an Apple, for Every Internet Explorer there is a Firefox and for every Google there will be a competitor and they will do well and it will be soon. Watch out.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Religion day

Something strange is brewing. It seems as though it's bash/debate/laugh/movie/watch religion day today. Today Trip has a massive debate going on with a couple of religious zealots and me! While Kevin is bored apparently and loving the religious comics!Nice work everyone.A brief snippet from the debate going on at Today Trip:

Nic said...nikki: Very interesting and rational points. Good work. Lets put it this way: I have managed to review my options, my beliefs and my faiths. I made the CHOICE to walk away from religion because there are too many unanswered questions. Too much that is left to "Just have faith" and not enough that is telling my why, where, how, when. there are too many paradoxes and too much mystery and enigma surrounding it all. Religion is only a recent creation. +-2000 years old, and in +- 2000 years it might be gone. These are my reasons. I did not flakely walk away from religion it was a long and arduous process that I am happy with. And let's be honest, I was not born in to my choice, I made it by myself. Hetty, you have made no choices, you have challenged nothing and YOU are the sheep my friend. do not try and turn the argument around to push your fears and insecurities on to others. This is a personal choice and I do not condemn you for it. To each his/her own.With regard to Elle's comments, I think that if anyone is going to choose religion, Elle's approach is the best approach: Going to church doesn't make you a christian, any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. Religion is a personal choice, a personal thing not a mass movement. Mob mentality is bad in any context, religion is no exception.

People are not loving my brash approach to this topic, but hey, ignorance is bliss and ignorance is comfortable. I like to be uncomfortable and challenge my life and lifestyle. To each his/her own. Simple as that.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Fresh Faced Comic - Richard Ryder

Thanks to Leon for finding this gem for me. This dude is great, Richard Ryder, rips his audience off and talks about boobs, what more could anyone want?Kids & Tits

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

The Second Coming - Judgement Day

Fuckin' Shit Flock. I've had it. I wrote a great post about the second coming. Who would be wearing what, how much that would count and why people wouldn't believe it for a second. The end of religion also featured as well as judgement day and rest of the banter associated to this discussion.But Flock keeps stalling. I tried so hard to recover the post but it's gone. Will teach my to write my posts in Word first then transfer. Learning alot this week.So instead you'll have to make do with this picture of Jesus at the second coming and my surety that this post was going be magic. Maybe I'll consider writing it again, but hell (haha), I've had a week filled with fuck-ups so I'm over it.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Google Answers

Google has gone and done something that I am slightly confused about. OK, not confused but intrigued. Google Answers is a search engine with a twist. Firstly it's not free. Secondly it isn't really a search engine, it's an answer engine. You ask it a question and a panel of apparently over 500 researchers will source your answer for you and email you back within 24 hours.This is grand, but I think I would rather pay myself to sift through the Google search results and come up with an answer. Or even -no I can't say it, OK I have to- use real life resources like people to find myself an answer.Google seems to have become somewhat money hungry. I believe that absolute power corrupts absolutely and I am beginning to think that Google is heading in that direction. Money is supposed to make us comfortable not happy. Google appears to have lost their direction slightly, what happened to the media, the people and the industry coming first? Don't get me wrong, I understand that they need to pay these researchers to look for shit, but I don't get paid to use Google (let's be honest, they WILL be using Google to find their results).Anyways, check it out for yourself and see if you agree.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Svchost.exe file

I'm having some issues with CPU usage. I feel like my laptop is working overtime to do some very average things. I noticed many, many svchost.exe files running in my TaskManager. I understand that some of the files are legit. But that many all the time. I also have another file called svcwinra.exe that never goes away no matter how many times I end the process. I am concerned that this is a worm at work, I am getting an Lsass feeling.I hope that someone has some precise help from me. Anything is welcome. Help, no food, no system info, no money, no solution. Will work for information.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Stupid is...

Stupid is as stupid does or so the saying goes. I am stupid. Does anyone know what happens when you put the wrong date on an invoice? You don't get paid on the day that you need the money. When you invoice with a date of 28th of November, you get paid the following month. This isn't a problem if you are invoicing for december... I was invoicing on the 3rd of this month, for this month... I now only get paid next month. That's after christmas season in case you were wondering

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Kyoto Protocol

It's easy to bitch and moan about something as I have done already today about America and their stance with regard to the Kyoto Protocol. So instead of moaning and bitching I thought that I would outline, educate and criticize with some authority. I spent a few years studying politics at University but think that this is the perfect chance to update my knowledge on something that I feel fairly strongly about. The greenhouse effect is killing our world and not so slowly, I might add.So instead of going to your posh dinner parties and talking about the latest rugby game, Jake White and the Bokke try chatting about something that matters and that might spark some opinion and passion in people. So here goes nothing.Kyoto ProtocolWhat it all means:

"stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system."

Countries who are agree to submit to the Kyoto Protocol agree to reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gasses. There is also a clause that allows high producing countries to trade with other countries that emit less gas in order to keep the average emission down.Countries that have ratified (agreed) with the Protocol are set goals per annum. Countries that do not reach these annual goals are penalised 30% of their allocated annual total in the following year. So if you screw up this year, you get to emit 30% less next year. In other words, get it right now, no excuses. Good work.Carbon CreditsCarbon Credits are a type of currency for the emission world. Countries that are rated low on the carbon producing scale are able to sell their carbon credits to countries producing large amounts of carbon. Its a kind of trade off between allies of some sorts. The less I emit, the more I can sell you, the more you can emit, the more you like me, the better we get on. Easy.SupportThere is huge support for the Kyoto Protocol. The European Union is super keen on the idea (Euro's have always been kinda tree-huggy friendly type of people). It is widely believed that carbon dioxide is promoting the heating of our atmosphere and the greenhouse effect. Thus countries that ratify this protocol are trying to correct this issue.Countries such as Cuba, South Africa, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece and Japan amongst many, many, many others all support the protocol and are actively involved. A full list of countries is available here.OppositionThis is what wikipedia had to say about opposition, I couldn't sum it up better myself.

The two major countries currently opposed to the treaty are the United States and Australia. Some public policy experts who are skeptical of global warming see Kyoto as a scheme to either slow the growth of the world's industrial democracies or to transfer wealth to the third world in what they claim is a global socialism initiative.

So now you know. Think about it, learn about it, promote it and make a change.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Cyanide and Happiness

These little comics are just too funny. Tongue in cheek, slapstick, slap your granny, slap your sister in fact slap anyone who's close by! I love it.

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

Cyanide & Happiness @

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Rubber-Band Ball - Guinness World Record

This is the rubber-band ball that has won the Guinness World Record for the biggest there is! Ain't that some shit. Apparently over 175 000 rubber bands go in to a ball of this size. That's incredible. Where do you find that many rubber bands? Who has the time to find them and how big must the biggest one be? These are all questions that no one can possible know the answer to, save the moron who wasted his time building this thing.Does this guy, his name is Steve Milton, have a job do we think? I think maybe, but friends are a whole other story and sex, fuck me, no sex for Steve. Firstly because he's gotta have that rubber-band smell attached to his hands permanently, secondly because this dude likes to play with really big balls which means the balls haven't had any relief recently and thirdly because he's either at work or at balls so he doesn't really have time for sex.Poor guy. My advice: Go get some lad, go get some. Thanks do Dvorak Uncensored for this story.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Google Warming - Students Speak Out

Google Educators in partnership with Global Schoolnet initiated a forum through which the youth could attempt to combat Global Warming. Below are a the top five solutions that the young people came up with:

  1. Include global warming/climate change in school curricula (as part of National Science Standards), so when the students are in charge they can make educated decisions.
  2. Increase availability of low-interest Energy Efficient Mortgages to support homeowners who increase the energy efficiency of their homes.
  3. Put light sensors in all office and school buildings so all lights go off when the rooms are empty.
  4. Require that all products contributing to global warming be marked with a specific color (e.g., chemical pesticides could be marked with a red sticker for being extremely dangerous to the environment).
  5. Use less paper; use the back of the paper to print on or write on; use recycled paper.

The initiative took out a full page ad in the New York Times yesterday to let the masses know what solutions the group came up with. Students from over 80 schools made use of Googles collaborative software to put their heads together and make a difference. I think this is a great initiative.I would love to know how many countries were involved since it was all done over the net. Or was this another American attempt at appearing to give a shit while still ignoring the Kyoto agreement and buying out other countries quota for pollution, waste and emissions

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Flock Support

There are a couple of pros and a couple of con's that come with using new, beta, niche market software. Flock is on such product that I am absolutely hooked on. I have posted about flock before, here.I am however having some issues with Flock. There is nothing wrong with the extension, the tools, the browsing accessibility or anything else that might be obvious, my problem is that Flock is stalling randomly and often. When I say stall I mean that my browsing experience comes to a complete and immediate halt. This has become such a problem for me that I downloaded an extension that allows me to recover me previous browsing session. I really can deal with the stalling occasionally, but not this often.

Flock: The Social Web Browser.

I have sought help. I went on to the flock forums and posted about me troubles, a couple of other people showed interest in helping and all the rest but nothing has come of it. Eventually I must admit another huge, massive and incredible pro of using small, beta, niche products; I have been receiving personalised emails from the Flock staff, the support staff and others attempting to help me out. They are so hell bent on me sticking with their product that they are going out of their way to help me, on person, stay with them.Lets see Microsoft show this kind of dedication to their customers. I don't think so, I may be wrong, but I doubt it.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Fresh Faced Comic - Josh Blue

I have hit the mother load. YouTube has a whole bunch of skits from Last Comic Standing, the reality TV show. I found Josh and couldn't stop laughing, he has a disability and rips himself and the audience off to no end. Absolutely hilarious.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Foods I Hate

A short list of only two that I can recall right now, but here they are:

  1. Liquorice
  2. Olives

Any offshoot product from either of these two really make me want to throw up too. Ouzo, Chamomile tea, olive paste, olive bread etc etc etc, all yucky.

Any other pet food hates out there, let me know.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Tony Leon Stands Down

The DA's (official opposition to the African National Congress in South Africa) leader, Tony Leon, is stepping down from his post within the party as of May 2007. Leon stated that he felt that 13 years in a position of leadership is the maximum that one can be effective.No shit Tony. Thanks Captain Obvious. 13 years, wow, imagine what the world will be like if old G.B. (George Bush) sticks around for that long. Heaven forbid (did I just ask heaven for help, times are a changin'). Anyways, I would like to personally thank Tony for his efforts in South African politics. For always being the voice of doubt, for standing up to the ANC as the ruling power of South Africa, and for just being Tony. You've done well and you will be missed...kinda.Read the full article at MG online.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Black Woman Wins Survivor South Africa

The winner of Survivor South Africa is two were in the final, both women, one white and one black and the decision has been made.Political, Racial or plainly coincidental? You make up your mind. I personally think that there couldn't have been any political sway in a show of this nature. But just imagine if the final four contestants were white males. Imagine a white Afrikaans female winning the first South African Survivor in the New South Africa.Update: The votes showed DID NOT SHOW colour lines, possibly unintentionally, but nonetheless. One black guy , one coloured guy and one coloured white woman all voted for the black woman to win. I am once again not stating that this was racist, but possibly racially aligned.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Survivor South Africa - Possible Racial Politics

I am watching the final episode of the first Survivor program in South Africa. In every other Survivor in any other country of the world things would be clear cut. I won, you won, she did, he did, black, white, coloured, Indian, man or women it wouldn't be about gender, race, religion or any of these labels. But I just can't help but ponder about the political innuendo and influences of the South African version of our show.There are two survivors left, one white woman and one black women. Incredibly convenient for demographics I must say. But this could easily be put down to coincidence. Now we wait and see who exactly the winner will be. Vanessa (black girl) or Jacinda (White Afrikaans girl).Update to follow in about an hour when I know who wins!

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Sunday Times Integrates Online

The Sunday Times newspaper has taken a step in to the bridge between the online world and the tangible newspaper world. In today's publication the Sunday Times has elected to place their headlines and features from their website in a small feature on page two of the publication. Very interesting.There is more however, at the end of two of the main stories on the front page there is a "tell us" option that provides a communication portal to the papers editors for the readers.

Obviously you cannot click this link and be forwarded to an email prompt. But this is the closest thing to a hyperlink that I've seen in a real newspaper. I think this is an interesting and bold step in to the future and I am glad to see that another organisation is challenging the Mail & Guardians movements in to the new media world. Integration is integral for big media to maintain a lead in the media market and it's about time the Sunday Times has made that movement.

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