Sunday Times Integrates Online

The Sunday Times newspaper has taken a step in to the bridge between the online world and the tangible newspaper world. In today's publication the Sunday Times has elected to place their headlines and features from their website in a small feature on page two of the publication. Very interesting.There is more however, at the end of two of the main stories on the front page there is a "tell us" option that provides a communication portal to the papers editors for the readers.

Obviously you cannot click this link and be forwarded to an email prompt. But this is the closest thing to a hyperlink that I've seen in a real newspaper. I think this is an interesting and bold step in to the future and I am glad to see that another organisation is challenging the Mail & Guardians movements in to the new media world. Integration is integral for big media to maintain a lead in the media market and it's about time the Sunday Times has made that movement.


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