Wired Update

This post serves as an update and apology: You know it's busy when your most recent posts are from del.icio.us.So here goes:Digspot is launching soon. It is up and it is active. South Africa's soon to be student social network #1 is making its way through campuses around SA as of May 2007. I am in the process of organising a massive marketing spree nation wide. This alone is eating my time. Would love to have some feedback if anyone has time to join and try out the Digspot network!Company update: I am in the process of formalizing my new company here is JHB South Africa with Courts. This is a laborious process that is time sapping and energy destroying. Registering a CC, finding clients (I have just confirmed the first of hopefully many to come), getting advertisers on board, finishing website development on many, many sites and blogs and managing my personal blog and SA Rocks. Killer time destroyer. Also designing the site/blog for the company is time consuming as I am using it as a platform to experiment with Wordpress and its capabilities as well as how I can manage myself with regard to design.I still have a girlfriend (this is a job on its own). Having an understanding GF is a very NB NB part of being an entrepreneur. Without said supportive GF I would be in deep trouble. She is lovely and she is still around (heaven knows why).SA Rocks is cruising along swimmingly. The contributors to the site do a sterling job and the support has been incredible.My design skills and programming are coming along slowly but nicely (any assistance welcome and encouraged here).I have just started contributing to the University of Kwazulu Natal's media blog. So far (one post down) it is proving to be thought provoking and challenging.I am also trying to consolidate a plan of action in terms of what sites/blogs to drop, produce, promote, develop and design. This is a tough process with many new ideas coming up and presenting themselves in all genres.RSS feeds have become the bane of my existence, I can't keep up with all of you bloggers blogging. So much interesting stuff to get through, so little time.Finally I am still trying to remain a human being in touch with the real world and real people. This involves a bit of a social life on the weekends, catching up on my TV and some movies as well as meeting up with bloggers and media people in the real world over a real meal.Phew. That's kinda it for now I think.


links for 2007-04-25


links for 2007-04-24