Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

I have registered to vote. Have you?

Today I went to my nearest IEC registration station and changed my registration details from Grahamstown to Johannesburg.The process was simple, the queues were managed well, the forms were readily available, everything worked perfectly.I was chatting to someone yesterday who made a really valid point, this is the first time (out of the three) that I have gone to register and have had people actually talking about politics, registration and voting, alot. It's great to hear, great to see and fantastic to know that politics is no longer one of the things you never bring up at a dinner party.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous


The big day is almost here for the USA.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

MIXXing it up a little

mixx.gifCould Mixx be the Digg Killer that many have been waiting for? Maybe.I think that Mixx has gotten something right because I immediately liked what I saw. The user interface is great, well laid out, clear and easy to navigate. Immediately I think that they have a leg up on Digg in this area.To be honest, I really couldn't have been bothered with yet another social, web 2.0, vote-up-vote-down site. So what I did was tell Mixx exactly what I was interested in and then subscribed to the RSS for things that interested me. Fantastic.The next thing that I must note is that the content on Mixx seems to be more relevant. Fair enough, I am only subscribing to a feed that I asked for, but on Digg, finding things that interest me and are relevant is a hit and miss sort of affair. Mixx again seems to have attracted users who are posting relevant and important info.If nothing else Mixx will become a great alternative to Digg. Have a look for yourself and tell me what you think.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Voting, ranking and rating is getting to me

I have a plan, it's a cunning stunt that will cripple any and all voting, ranking and rating systems or sites. It will work. You will see. Spammers and everyone else for that matter will suffer.You will know when it is in place, wait, maybe not.

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