MIXXing it up a little

mixx.gifCould Mixx be the Digg Killer that many have been waiting for? Maybe.I think that Mixx has gotten something right because I immediately liked what I saw. The user interface is great, well laid out, clear and easy to navigate. Immediately I think that they have a leg up on Digg in this area.To be honest, I really couldn't have been bothered with yet another social, web 2.0, vote-up-vote-down site. So what I did was tell Mixx exactly what I was interested in and then subscribed to the RSS for things that interested me. Fantastic.The next thing that I must note is that the content on Mixx seems to be more relevant. Fair enough, I am only subscribing to a feed that I asked for, but on Digg, finding things that interest me and are relevant is a hit and miss sort of affair. Mixx again seems to have attracted users who are posting relevant and important info.If nothing else Mixx will become a great alternative to Digg. Have a look for yourself and tell me what you think.


Aqua Bimini - Stay young forever


Do you laugh when you type "hahahaha"