Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Name and shame Muti spammers

I have been harping on about this topic recently. But the debate isn't closed in my mind at all.I concede that there is definite value in self promotion when the post is relevant, well written and valuable. Let me just say that NO ONE has ever written 100% of their posts to be 100% relevant to everyone at all times. So if you are submitting ALL of your post ALL of the time ONLY then you are spamming. Simple.You might disagree and that is your prerogative. You might even think that no one does that, let me prove that there are users on muti who are doing that:anjamerret:anja.gifnewscribe:newscribe.gifiz4u:iz4u.gifguymclaren:guymclaren.gifguymclaren is a bit of a tricky situation, there is a lot of self promotion that borders on spam but not only from his one blog, from various blogs he owns and others. In my mind, this counts to a degree.And just for good measure, some of my own muti submissions:nicharry.gifI have submitted the occasional SA Rocks post but none that I personally wrote and they are few and far between one another.What I am basically saying is that there is spam around and it is very present and people are not voting it down because not many people actually take not of who has previously submitted posts from which blogs and how often. This is why I think spammers should be made known.Do you know of any others?

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

The plan is here, it's voting time

I mentioned that I would be coming up with some sort of a plan. I have struggled and battled with internal strife and maintained my dignity - to some extent. Here is the plan for now:Gather a group of like minded bloggers (by that I mean bloggers who are tired of spammers on muti and self-promoting-spammers - SPS - on muti). Get these bloggers to vote down Spam and SPS on muti.Now you might ask who gets to decide what is spam and what is SPS? That's a good question. But let's rather ask: What makes spammers think that they can use muti as a service to spam me?I have spoken to Robert and a few others bloggers who are keen.The simple process is this: Spot a post on muti that is excessive self-promotion or spam and vote it down. Then comment on the muti post with "SPAM" for spam posts and "SELF PROMOTION" for excessive self promotion.I think that it is ok to promote your own sites or posts to an extent. It is when this self promotion becomes excessive and meaningless link-baiting, that it becomes spam. Simple.So, if you are interested in joining us on our voting down syndicate, please email me and let me know!Here goes...

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

People becoming bloggers becoming products

Meet spongebobsqaureNic

I have started to do it recently as have many more bloggers in SA. I have seen people become bloggers and bloggers become products. The latest of which is Tyler. Tyler has apparently not only branded himself, but is currently RE-branding himself.Now I have no real problem with this in essence from a person like Tyler because I understand what he is saying. People are brands, companies don't buy in to a product any more, companies and clients all buy in to people. That means that you are up for sale, you are on the pricing boards every time you open your mouth. This is undeniably true.My question is this: What have we become when we are selling ourselves openly, blatantly and shamelessly? People have always sold themselves as part of the package but had the tact to hide it. Now I openly say that I am worthy of x or y amount and my time is worth R350, R450 or more per hour. In days gone by you were the product up for sale but the client was not aware of this.Blogs have, in recent times, played a great part in creating this forwardness if you will. People feel obligated to talk to their community and tell them what is going on, even if that is a trade secret (The secret being YOU). I personally like to keep my trade secrets to myself.I am interested to see how the bloggers, new media evangelists and entrepreneurs feel about this topic.

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