Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Shun the psuedo celebrity role-model

Can anyone tell me why on this Earth we put people like Britney, Paris, Lindsey, Pamela, Christina, Tara and other ridiculous popstars in the public eye? Why?I can't understand it. Watch the video below and then tell me if these idiots should be on TV, selling music and themselves: - Watch more free videosIn today's day and age it is imperative to ensure that young people around the world have figures to look up to. These girls are not it. Definitely not.The South African rugby team are idols, heroes and men worth admiring. Grit, guts, determination and pride are things that we should be looking up to and admiring. Not drunken spells of abuse that lead to temporary stops in rehab.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Paris Hilton Goes Back To Jail... How The Risen Can Fall

Yes, it is true, the untouchable just got touched by the long arm of the law. Paris has been ordered back to prison.Apparently the judge that sentenced her specifically noted that her sentenced was not to be served, at any point, in her home. This was contravened by the Sheriff who sighted medical illness as his reasoning.Tsk Tsk Tsk. Paris, go back to prison, eat that food and love those women as only a CRIMINAL could. 'Cause lets be honest, Paris is now nothing more than a criminal with a record who has been to jail. Yes she has millions upon millions of dollars to her name, but in prison she is literally just a number.I am so glad to see that celebrities are not untouchable in the eyes of the law. May this be a lesson to all the other idiot celebrities who do stupid things and think that money will save them.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

And On The Third Day... Hilton Walked

Image courtesy of ragrap

And we all thought Jesus did a good job of getting out of the ground. Well Paris Hilton seems to be unstoppable on this Earth.There is nothing she cannot do. Record an album, become an actor, start a fashion label and dupe the police in to thinking she isn't suited for prison. My goodness. People complain about the South African Judicial system, let us look at our American brethren and ponder for a moment, shall we?Paris; walk on my girl, walk on. In fact, fucking run and hope that no one catches you and takes you back you sneaking cow.Hilton is now under house arrest for the rest of her 40 day sentence. She is said to be wearing a monitoring bracelet for the duration of her sentence. Mark my words, save this post, digg it, it or whatever but in 40 days from now every tween, teen and trendy biatch is going to want or have a monitoring bracelet as a fashion accessory. Stupid idiots.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous


So apparently it's true, Paris Hilton has a marketing team that spans millions of paris androids (paroids). I call them paroids because they cannot actually be real people. These people have lost all feeling in the hearts and conscience in their souls. These people advertise on blogs whenever they read anything about their beloved leader philton. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE. Snap out of it. Wake up and smell the capitalist marketing ploy. You are all being played by an extremely intelligent team of marketers that work for miss philton, the leader of the paroids.This most recent outburst of rant and rage from me stems from a comment that I received on my Google's top news searches post. (please do not go and visit this turd of a site) felt it necessary to spam my blog with philton rubbish. This moron-paroid believes that it is necessary to create awareness for a girl (yes she is a girl not a women) who's claim to fame is a pair of nickers that she doesn't even wear all. I'm sorry but I can't agree with this kind of shameless dictatorial following of a mindless people to a pseudo-leader. Grow a brain cell, hell share one between all of you if you have to but stop promoting a tart who sells promiscuity to under aged children and un-kept naked crotch areas to women.To philton.shuttup: Grow up, get some content on your blog that might make people read it without the use of spam ads (notice my use of the term "people" in that sentence, not paroids).And to everyone else: Resist the urge to form an alliance with the paroids, they are out there and they are waiting for you to slip up so that they can trick you in to joining their side, the dark side, the forces of evil. Keep an eye open for a paroid in your neighbourhood today.

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