
So apparently it's true, Paris Hilton has a marketing team that spans millions of paris androids (paroids). I call them paroids because they cannot actually be real people. These people have lost all feeling in the hearts and conscience in their souls. These people advertise on blogs whenever they read anything about their beloved leader philton. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE. Snap out of it. Wake up and smell the capitalist marketing ploy. You are all being played by an extremely intelligent team of marketers that work for miss philton, the leader of the paroids.This most recent outburst of rant and rage from me stems from a comment that I received on my Google's top news searches post. (please do not go and visit this turd of a site) felt it necessary to spam my blog with philton rubbish. This moron-paroid believes that it is necessary to create awareness for a girl (yes she is a girl not a women) who's claim to fame is a pair of nickers that she doesn't even wear all. I'm sorry but I can't agree with this kind of shameless dictatorial following of a mindless people to a pseudo-leader. Grow a brain cell, hell share one between all of you if you have to but stop promoting a tart who sells promiscuity to under aged children and un-kept naked crotch areas to women.To philton.shuttup: Grow up, get some content on your blog that might make people read it without the use of spam ads (notice my use of the term "people" in that sentence, not paroids).And to everyone else: Resist the urge to form an alliance with the paroids, they are out there and they are waiting for you to slip up so that they can trick you in to joining their side, the dark side, the forces of evil. Keep an eye open for a paroid in your neighbourhood today.


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