Nic’s blog
I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.
One request for Gmail
Please give us a "Flag" or "Follow-up" option on our e-mails.I never thought I'd say this, but take a page our of the Windows Outlook book and let me flag my emails to follow up on later. I can't keep track of all of the e-mails that I receive in a day and often forget about many and in turn receive irate e-mails from people because I have a bad memory.
What is the first thing you do online?
I am really interested in what people do online. Not all the time, not everytime but specifically in the morning when you open up your browser for the first time.What do you do online?I head straight for my RSS feeds on Google Reader, then hop over to Gmail then check SA Rocks and this blog and then move on to Muti, Afrigator and Amatomu. Thereafter I pretty much do whatever comes my way.Facebook is the absolute last thing that I think to do online. Sometimes I don't even login in to Facebook till after lunch or in the evening.
Gmail open to the masses
Gmail can now be accessed by anyone without an invite. Visit this link if you don't already have a Gmail account.
Clear out Gmail
I know that Gmail provides its users with a gagillion MB's of space but let's just be honest: It is very possible to use up that space with random funny emails coming through once a day from a thousand friends.So what do you do?I found this post that explains how to constructively search for larger emails in your Gmail inbox.By simply searching your Gmail search for the term "has:attachment" your results will show every email with an attachment. As you can only imagine some of these attachments are random funnies from random friends who have nothing to do but email .wmv movies to everyone in their inbox.Other effective search terms include: "filename:pdf" or "filename:xls" and various variations of the like.Try them out and flush out those pesky emails taking up all your space. What a pleasure.
Spam Update
My Spam inbox is now up to 508 emails in 15 days. The average has dropped from the last post. It was at 35.2 per day and now sits at 33.86 spam emails per day. So at least the average has gone down. Interesting to see how it goes if I leave it for longer. Let's do that.
6 Day Spam
Spam is an issue, we all know it is. I decided to let the spam in my Gmail account accumulate over the past 5 days. I have reached a total of 176 spam mails not including today. That is pretty insane if you ask me. Now look, don't get me wrong, I have stumbled across a few - one or two at most - porn sites in my time, but nowhere near enough to justify recieving this many spam mails targeted at gay lovers, child molestors and freaks on leashes. Seriously, why can't I ever recieve worth while spam mail. The occasional winning lottery ticket online, the occasional nude picture of Heidi Klum or Natalie Imbruglia, the sports results from this weekend, none of that stuff is ever spammed my way.But I digress, my point is that I have recieved 35.2 spam emails per day for the last 5 days. I don't recieve that much mail on a normal day from people I know or with issues that concern me. Below is a screenshot of the awesome porn spam I recieve in my account: