Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

BMW Service Sucks

Now correct me if I'm wrong here but we in the midst of a world wide recession. Car manufacturers are crumbling at the thought of a recession, the fact that we having one should dictate certain things to come in to play, such as better service and a dire need to sell cars. I am absolutely appalled by the shocking service that I have witnessed from BMW. BMW service clearly sucks.One would think so, but alas this is not the case. Before I get ahead of myself I am blogging this entire post on behalf of my mother who is in the market for a brand new 1 series convertible. I love that little car and so does she. But to get her hands on one to look at, never mind test drive is proving to be almost impossible. It's like the BMW dealerships don't want to sell cars.But let's hear it straight from her:what_bmw

I have space to fill in my garage.I have tried.In an economic climate where the headlines read “car sales down” its tough to get a BMW dealership to “sell” you a car.Dealership 1 tried to fob me off with a custom made model including “sports package” that a client could not be financed on.There was no car for me to test drive and no alternative was offered as they had a great month!!!Dealership 2 could not find a car for me to test drive. Weren’t that interested when I insisted that I wanted to drive the model I want to buy.The Salesman told me that the car is in short supply as they have stopped producing due to the credit crunch (a self fulfilling prophecy?).They then promised to put me in touch with a client who had previously bought the same model. I am still waiting one month later. Goodbye Dealership 2.Dealership 3 came highly recommended. A friend referred me to the dealer principal who got his sales manager to call me.Visit no 1 – manager introduced me to his best salesman. Gave the salesman my specs and made an appointment to test drive a car at 11am Monday morning.Visit no 2 – arrived for my appointment, no car, salesman barely apologetic, sales manager assured me he would have the car at my home or office to test drive that day.Today is Thursday and I have received no contact from the sales manager, salesman or anyone else to offer me a car and it is most certainly not sitting in my driveway as promised.I have a space to fill in my garage!!!!Perhaps a Mercedes or an Audi?

So in the end bad services prevails again and it seems as if we, the ones spending money are forever indebted to the manufacturers, banks, salesmen and women or anyone else who we want to give money to in exchange for the product that they exist to sell.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

BMW drivers - the worst on the road

Hoping to have an enjoyable evening out with Jen tonight I drove to pick her up from her house. However no drive in Sandton is complete without some moronic BMW driver thinking he owns the road and drives a Ferrari.Let me tell all of you BMW drivers something; you are not special. You drive one of millions upon millions (scott,maybe you can help out on numbers here) of BMW's out there, there are millions upon millions of other people that drive your exact model. Thus, therefore and hence, you are not special. Do not drive like you own the road, do not drive like your irritating blue lights are cool, they aren't, sorry Kevin.The reason for this post: While driving to Jen's place I was aggressively pushed on to the right hand side of the road (that's the wrong side of the road if you are wondering) on a right-angle corner by a black BMW. If you are reading this, screw you. I proceeded to do what every man would: I hooted the crap out of my hooter. It gives me satisfaction to do this. I thought I had made my point. I hooted until I couldn't here myself think. We both took the corner following another car in front of us. The three of us are now so closely knit that I can see the ridiculous hairdo of the driver of the black BMW.Then it happened, to add salt in to the wound of a correct and safe driver, the Black BMW man flicked his stompie (cigarette butt) on to my windscreen in triumph of his idiotic and dangerous driving. Do these people think they are clever by placing other peoples lives in danger? I couldn't give a rats ass if someone like this crashes in to a wall (not in to other people) and hurts themselves. They deserve it. There are enough things in this world that can end a life, why would you want to make your driving another murder weapon.Take your flashy driving and BMW attitude and stick it wherever is most uncomfortable for you.This post in no way intends to brand EVERY SINGLE BMW driver an idiot, but do me a favour and help yourselves out a bit, drive like you want to live.

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