Battles of the African kind

Vincent Maher posted the below post with regard to another bloggers fairly interesting post regarding the Digital Citizen’s Indaba on Blogging being held soon in Grahamstown.

Follow the links below and check out the arguments, comments and counters offered by various bloggers, including myself.

This may be a photography blog, but seeing the world through my shutter appears in more than one form. I personally think that initial blog post is terribly "im looking for an argument" instead of intelligent or well thought out. Just my two cents. I think that I am as african as anyone else out there on this content. My generation has shared mutual experiences. Apartheid has been dead for 12 years and I think its ok for me to call Myself African.

Quoting Maher:

" Sour grapesCheck out this racist and sour response to the Digital Citizen’s Indaba on Blogging. It’s telling that he/she has comment moderation turned on.My only response to his drivel concerns his remarks about the African citizen journalism code of conduct. Somewhere in the middle of his rant he says:

…are Africans so misbehaved or even depraved that they are always being subject to codes of behavior? Is the governance agenda and its associated funding buzzwords now to seek us out even in the digital world?

As the person who put this idea forward in the first place, I am going to defend it simply by pointing out that the idea behind the code of conduct is to create a framework of credibility that will enable citizen journalists using blogs to be taken more seriously by the media when they report on blogged news. It’s a completely opt-in system designed to avoid exactly the kind of loss of credibility this person has just achieved for his/her own blog. "

Vincent Maher - Media in Transition

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