Nic’s blog
I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.
Third Time Lucky - The Flamebait podcast... eventually
Vince and I have finally recorded the Flamebait podcast in a format that we are happy with and believe will be long-lasting.We recorded this weeks podcast on Friday and had a good laugh and talk about some interesting things. The difficulty with a podcast is that which every blog or media production faces: Who is your target market. The Flamebait target market is, without a doubt, MG readers.These readers are not necessarily blogsavvy so that is the sort of angle we have taken. Without further deliberation you can receive the podcast right now via RSS at The podcast will be up on the MG Podcast page on Monday.
Cyanide Really Is Happiness
I must admit that I love cyanide and happiness. This comic, without a doubt, has my in stitches every morning.
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.netAnd now for a little Cyanide movie madness. Wow, what a ripper:
Cyanide & Happiness @
Online Threats From The Website Theif
I have previously posted about my MyBlogLog woes and a certain registered users, Hecubus who stole the registration of one of my websites. I asked for some help and Paul from Chilibean pulled in and made some moves to right the situation.I thought that all was done and justice had been served, apparently not. Hecubus is back and making idle threats on this very blog. I am not impressed. What makes someone believe that they have the right to threaten other people when they themselves were the fools who were conducting irresponsible and illegal business. You, Hecubus, are out of line. Step back in to that box of yours and calm down. I was justified in the acquisition of my right to register a site that I OWN THE RIGHTS TO!!!!!!! Think before you type my friend because you might think that you know what you are doing, but I strongly disagree. Justice prevails, and it will in this situation.For your viewing pleasure:
Greek Mothers - Painfully Brilliant
Phone rings. GREEK MOTHER picks up the phone and answers:Greek Mother: Hello?Daughter: Hi Mom. Can I leave the kids with you tonight?Greek Mother: You're going out?Daughter: Yes.Greek Mother: With whom?Daughter: With a friend.Greek Mother: I don't know why you left your husband. He is such a good man.Daughter: I didn't leave him. He left me!Greek Mother: You let him leave you, and now you go out with anybodies and nobodies.Daughter: I do not go out with anybody. Can I bri ng over the kids?Greek Mother: I never left you to go out with anybody except your father.Daughter: There are lots of things that you did and I don't.Greek Mother: What are you hinting at?Daughter: Nothing. I just want to know if I can bring the kids over tonight.Greek Mother: You're going to stay the night with him? What will your husband say if he finds out?Daughter: My EX husband. I don't think he would be bothered. From the day he left me, he probably never slept alone!Greek Mother: So you're going to sleep over at this loser's place?Daughter: He's not a loser.Greek Mother: A man who goes out with a divorced woman with children is a loser and a parasite.Daughter: I don't want to argue. Should I bring over the kids or not?Greek Mother: Poor children with such a mother.Daughter: Such a what?Greek Mother : With no stability. No wonder your husband left you.Daughter: ENOUGH !!!Greek Mother: Don't scream at me. You probably scream at this loser too!Daughter: Now you're worried about the loser?Greek Mother: Ah, so you see he's a loser. I spotted him immediately.Daughter: Goodbye mother.Greek Mother: Wait! Don't hang up! When are you bringing them over?Daughter: I'm not bringing them over! I'm not going out!Greek Mother: If you never go out, how do you expect to meet anyone?Thank heavens my mother is not this bad. The us of "not this bad" is intended, she is still a Greek mother after all!
Smoking in the Rain
Disclaimer: I do not promote smoking in any way, shape or form.I love smoking in the rain. The smoke is thicker, the rings are larger, the experience is more enjoyable!
Vincent Maher Makes Virgin Money
Today Vincent announced that he has a new blog, Money Talks, and it's sponsored by Virgin Money.The new blog is about banking and in Vincent's own words,
The basic idea is this: I have a baby (also in the pipeline har) due in two weeks now, I know i need to get my personal finances in order and Virgin Money contacted me and asked me if they can sponsor a blog about it. I said “sure, why not? As long as you don;t tell me what to writeâ€. They agreed, so it happened.
Immediately I can hear bloggers tapping at their keys and making a fuss about the influence that a big corporate has on the blogging ethos. Rubbish I say.First off Virgin is not sponsoring Vincent's regular blogs so there is no direct impact there. Second off, I think, as Vincent says on his new Money Talks blog,
Historically this is a moment of crystallization – all the talk about the legitimacy of blogging as a cultural explosion, and the commercial value of the blogging medium in general, seems to me to have come together. It is a sign of respect for the individuals who make up this community that it is being recognized as a powerful consumer voice and not dismissed as a morass of subjective nonsense.
Good point. Bloggers must begin to understand that money is not the root of all evil, in fact, we all spend our days wondering how we can profit from our passion for blogging. Vincent is doing just that, and good on him.However, with all of this said, I must ask the question: What if Vince wants to bad mouth Virgin Money? Or Virgin Music, Virgin Gyms or Virgin Airways for that matter? What then? Is this sort of "freedom of speech" allowed in their deal? I wonder? Vincent must believe that it is, otherwise he wouldn't have done it but I have my doubts.Nevertheless I am extremely excited about the prospects of this sort of deal for the blogging community here in SA. The big corporates have finally taken not of the expansive impact blogs could have on the South African Community. Good job Virgin, good work Vince.
Incredible Accoustic Guitarist: Andy Mckee
A friend of mine sent me this link a few minutes ago. This guy is mind-blowingly-unbelievable-incredible-brilliant at what he does. And what he does is play the acoustic guitar. I don't need to say any more, his guitar does all the talking.This video is of Andy playing Africa - Toto.For fun, check out another video by Andy!
30 seconds to mars
I haven't done a post like this for a while but this band has done my little nut. I just caught 30 seconds to mars's song on MTV now and i was literally mesmerized by their presence and song writing skill. The lead singer, Jared Leto can really belt out a tune and rips it up on guitar. What a boy. Oh, did I mention that he is an actor too (Requiem for a Dream is my personal favourite of his).I must say that of all the actor-turned-singers this man is absolutely the best without a shadow of a doubt. Let's not forget the fact that he plays with an entire band who make him look as good as he does.But seriously, I have not had a mesmerizing reaction in a very long time (since Skunk Anansie I recall) so these guys must have something!!
3's Tag
The Gypsy just tagged me... those damn hippies
Three things that scare me:FailureIgnoranceGeorge W Bush
Three people who make me laugh:JenWilsherScott
Three Things I love:Music (of the rock sort)my laptopmy Job
Three Things I hate:OlivespicklesIgnorance
Three Things I don’t understand:IgnorancePHP - but I'm getting there!!!The media industry
Three things on my desk:cellphonewalletSmokes
Three things I’m doing right now:Updating 4 websites and developing 1BloggingBee swatting
Three things I want to do before I die:Sky DiveWin a proffesional Poker Tournament/Play in the WSOP.Become a Multi Millionaire
Three things I can do:WriteDebateCook
Three things you should listen to:HinderBloggersMates
Three things I’d like to learn:Italian/Frenchhow to stop smokingwomen
Three favourite foods:ThaiGreekA Hamburger
Three beverages I drink regularly:Watercoffeetea
Three TV shows/Books I watched/read as a kid:The wonder year (Yeah Baby)The HobbitDexter
Three people I’m tagging (that’s if you’ve not already done this)I don't think that I am going to be tagging three people... I don't know why. I'm just not. Sorry!!
Networking rules the blogosphere
The 27 dinner of January 2007 has come and gone. I am sure that many people will be talking about how great it was to meet everyone, and it was. I must admit that I will not be talking about that aspect of the meet and greet.I was blown out of the water by the caliber of person that I came in to contact with. Not the caliber of personality, or personable person, but the quality of the business minds that I was surrounded by. I was and still am astonished by the networking that these individuals do and force you to do.Anyone who ridicules the web addicts for being "geeks", "nerds" or any other term that they think is derogatory do so at their own peril and that of their business. These people are a force to be reckoned with and I am glad that I am sitting on the right side of the fence.I need to explain why I was so impressed: Network, Network, Network (not chillibeanchillibeanchillibean). I have never seen any group of people so shamelessly and successfully market themselves. Everyone wanted a piece of everyone else's pie. If there was no pie left people suggested backing a new pie with greater synergy between their two pie making organisations and a new pie was born and chopped up and spread around.Moving away from the geek side of things I must impress on people reading this that I value networking as a successful and useful tool to seek employment. Do not overestimate the value of a degree or underestimate the value of who you know (or who your father's best friends daughters boyfriend knows). These people will like you when they get to know you and when they like you they will more often than not try to help you out in one way or another. Make use of the connections that are out there.
Back home figh
I am back from holiday and have much to say (for a change!). This will be the first of a string of posts that I will be writing about my time away, books I've read and things I've been thinking about.Lets get started.I'm not sure if anyone reading this knows where Hartebeespoort Dam is but that's where I've been for the last five days. It was serene, calm, quiet and relaxing. I spent the week with Jen, my girlfriend as well as my cousins and aunt, Dot. Yesterday morning I decided to take my cousins out for pancakes. We chose Pick a Pancake as our weapon of choice. That was cool except Jen ordered something of the "pancake" section of the menu that didn't actually come with a pancake. What's up with that? Why put something under the pancake section if it doesn't come with a pancake? Go figure.The most interesting and irritatingly frustrating part of the drive to Pick a Pancake was the Dam wall. Crossing the wall is a joy and a tradition, going over the wall provides a magnificent view accompanied by a disgusting smell. That smell is the water. As far as my experience with dam water goes I thought that it was meant to be blue, or at least some shade of blue or possibly even, at a push, brown-ish. It wasn't. It was green. Pea green as in pea green soup kind of green. Not so attractive I can assure you. Then while we were stopped at the robot (Traffic light) we were bombarded by hawkers. Hawkers are those lovely men and women trying to sell you anything and everything on the side of the road. Now I understand the concept of hawking, selling stuff to cars driving past, stopped at the robots, sweet. But why, oh why do these people sell such random bullshit? Tennis balls the size of my head, watches, peanuts, wooden carvings that can't actually fit in my boot if I so choose to purchase one. Senseless sales I like to call them. These senseless sales serve as nothing more than an irritation to my holiday mode. I counted close on 10 different hawkers that I turned away, not one or two, 10. Why would I want to buy the same product from hawker number 4 if I turned away hawker number 2? You tell me.
Alive in Baghdad
Yes, America fixed everything. Fucking idiots. Visit Alive in Baghdad for real footage of real people after a car bomb, the truth is in the aftermath. Go and watching the site for more incidents and stories. The Videos contained on the site can become graphic so if you are a sensitive and touchy viewer stear clear. What an incredible Vlog.
Tony Leon Stands Down

The DA's (official opposition to the African National Congress in South Africa) leader, Tony Leon, is stepping down from his post within the party as of May 2007. Leon stated that he felt that 13 years in a position of leadership is the maximum that one can be effective.No shit Tony. Thanks Captain Obvious. 13 years, wow, imagine what the world will be like if old G.B. (George Bush) sticks around for that long. Heaven forbid (did I just ask heaven for help, times are a changin'). Anyways, I would like to personally thank Tony for his efforts in South African politics. For always being the voice of doubt, for standing up to the ANC as the ruling power of South Africa, and for just being Tony. You've done well and you will be missed...kinda.Read the full article at MG online.
Big Blog Directory
The Big Blog Directory (BBD) is an idea that I think is fantastic. It's simple and its viral or some degree of viral I think. It is an idea that I personally have had for a while but just couldn't get it to work in my head or justify the effort it would take to put together. Luckily some people aren't as lazy as I sometimes am.What the BBD is, is pretty simple; it's a directory of blogs that the author is building. I can't recall how I stumbled across the BBD but I thought that it was worth a shot. So I sent in my blog and bam I started receiving hits and at least one dedicated reader (I know, one reader, but hey they all add up in the end). So I would like to thank Leon from BBD for his efforts and maintained support of this blog and others within his directory. Good work.
Shake it Baby
Original NetBaby as animated GIF
This little dude made me laugh till i hit the floor when i first saw the animation on Ally MacBeal some time ago. On that point, those of you that watch Grey's Anatomy, I think that the lead actress, Ms Grey, kinda looks like the Ally Macbeal Character. Figity, nervous, lost sort of feel about the characteristics!
Anyways, just have a laugh at this. Oh, I found it under the list of the 25 WORST WEBSITES.
I found that site courtesy of Gregoogle - keep those posts coming my man!!
Blogged with Flock
Hand of Hope
The hand of a fetus reaches out of its mothers' womb to grab hold of the surgeon operating. Incredible.
This photo is circulating on email at the moment. It is entitled "Hand of Hope". Some say it might be the photo of the decade. I say, look and be in awe.
Blogged with Flock
What the Bleep do we know?
I have just watched an interesting and thought provoking film... documentary... im not sure what it was, ok?
The documentary is called "What the bleep do we know?"
The movie is based on and attempts to put forward theories of quantum physics. For those of you who are unaware, quantum physics plainly put is the science of possibility. There is obviously a whole huge chunk of this theory that is attached to science of some kind or another; such as the atomic theories, quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, quantum electrodynamics, chromodynamics and electroweak theory. Yet this movie did not really focus on this aspect of quantum physics. There was a more inquisitive tone and existential feeling to the documentary.
Why are we here? What is my purpose? etc etc etc. These are the questions that became the focus of the film. Religion, love, addiction and many other troublesome man made creations were spoken of. You are your own god. You can create your own reality. You do create your own reality whether you are aware of it or not. If you are a victim in your own life, you are choosing to be that victim and therefore allowing yourself to be more receptive to the victim status that you have chosen.
If you say you are in love how do you know? Are you addicted to that feeling? is it the person, the way that person makes you feel that keeps you coming back to that feeling of euphoria? Or is it simply love; inexplicable, incredible, painful love?
Does god really exist? Or did organised religion create this omnipitent figure to rule over our choices and place us on a path that is easily manipulated and dominated by anothers' perception of what your reality should be? To run with this particular example, I am somewhat of a religious sceptic if you will, ok im a big fat atheist. THERE I SAID IT! So obviously I believe that the wonders of god do not exist in reality, or in my reality (to maintain or existential direction). I have for a long time felt that religion is a variation of fear and weakness that has been spread by those who are more insecure than anyone else to control the world (yes, yes, i know this is awfully conspiritorial). You can't handle your life and its' issues, so you ask god to do it for you. That way, when it all falls down it isn't really your fault, it's god's choice for your life. Bah, hogwash and all the other interjections I could use at this juncture.
I think that quantum theories hold more truth and possibilty than any other religion i have encountered (given the number of religions I have been exposed to is somewhat limited). I am the master of my own destiny, I choose my path, I take the blame and the responsibility for everything that happens to me. No "god" let me fail or created my success, I did and that is that.
These are all my own personal thoughts, I am not discrediting the possibility that religion works for some people and it may be proven to be the way, the light and the truth at some point in the future, the distant, distant and possibly non-existent future. I just cannot place my life in the hands of another, possibly non-existent being.
As the motto of this blog states: "There are no coincidences. Live every moment like it's your last. My World, My Views, My opinion," and a little addition to that: My reality.
Blogged with Flock