Your idea, My idea, why's everyone so paranoid?

I read Tyler's post the other day and thought nothing of it. Then I noticed that Sessa and de Waal had blogged about it as well as others.I have a bit of a different approach to this concept than many of the bloggers have already taken. I say tough shit. I say what makes you think I want YOUR idea? I say, what makes you think that I didn't think of it first and that's why I got it out quicker? I say, I must be better, stronger, faster, smarter than you if you had the idea and lost out. That's what I say.Mike commented on Tyler's post asking him to name names and brand the ones that stole. Let me tell you that does no good. Mike is right though, the ones that "stole" ideas will meet their fate. The world is made round to go round and comes round fast.But I must reiterate, what makes you think that anyone wants to steal your ideas?My point? Your ideas are not original. Nothing that you or I can come up with will be a truly original thought. Those thoughts are all long gone. Show me an idea and I can show you another who has thought it. Give me an invention and I'll show you one just like it. Nothing is yours.My rebuttle question is this: Where did YOU get your idea from? Who are YOU ripping off? How self-righteous of us all to think that we thought the ideas and that others want to steal them? Who do we think we are?What a load of rubbish. I have not claimed to have an original idea. I am a man who implements not necessarily innovates. I cannot claim that at the 'ripe' old age of a whopping 23 that I have come up with anything great, wondrous or truly innovative or original. If you think you are that great, prove it. Don't complain that someone ripped off your idea.I bet that Alexander Bell wasn't the first to create the telephone and Henry Ford wasn't the first to create the motorcar. They were simply the first to release their inventions and receive the accolades. This is the way of the world, this has always been the way of the world. Simple.


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