What the world needs is another publishing platform...

I have been blogging since 2005 in a variety of forms and on a multitude of platforms. What I can tell you about blogging is that it is very rarely about the platform that a writer uses that makes the writing readable or the content good.It's about the writer and the content.Just in case you hadn't picked up on the sarcasm in the title of this article let me state this more explicitly: The world does not need a new way to publish content.The world needs writers to write.Here's a list of the publishing platforms all claiming to do it better, cleaner, simpler, faster, harder or some other adjective to sound superior.


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Screen Shot 2013-04-09 at 7.59.46 PMThere are also themes doing what platforms are trying to do as well as forks of platforms that you can download and use for yourself.


Screen Shot 2013-04-09 at 8.05.44 PMThis blog uses the Principles theme running on the Wordpress Self Hosted platform. 


Screen Shot 2013-04-09 at 8.05.17 PMThere has been a lot of hype and controversy over who has copied who and who has taken what ideas from where. If we're honest, we all owe something to the print industry and the classical definition of a writer.I remember when Blogger launched, it was about the content. It appears that the industry is shifting back around towards content and more specifically long form articles. I'm not entirely unhappy about this but I really don't think we need to fragment into a million platforms. We just need to focus back on content.


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