To do list - 2008

I am not making any new years resolutions as such. Instead I am setting myself tasks that I would like to get done in the year.The one resolution that I think I will make and can get done is to go back to gym. I used to gym 6 times a week. Now, nothing, no gym, not for at least 10 months.Onto the list:1. Play more golf - at least once a month, the goal is twice a month.1.2 Get a golf membership at a club - I've chosen JCC.2. Skydive3. Bungee Jump4. Get my deep see diving license (or is it an open water license?).5. Travel to an African country - This I have never done before. Embarrassing, I know.6. Organise a boys weekend away over a long weekend - This can involve golf or not, it's really up to you and circumstance.7. Have more fun in general - Yes work is hard and yes I love my sleep. But this is not an excuse not to have fun. I want to go dancing, go clubbing, have sundowners, cocktails, dinner parties and more. All with Jen, my friends and people who I appreciate.8. Organise a dinner party and cook the meal myself.9. Go for cooking lessons - My preferance is Thai food and Wok cooking.10. Learn how to make sushi.11. Cook dinner at home, myself, for family and friends at least once a week.12. Learn how to relax - In other words, get offline more often.13. Make use of weekends more effectively - This involves going away for weekends, getting out of the house, not sleeping in late for no reason.14. Invest my money - I am on the road to that one already.15. Buy my first property.16. Learn how to code php.17. Go fishing.18. Reconnect with one friend who I've lost touch with.19. Go overseas - Preferably to somewhere I've never been. I hear Thailand is beautiful.20. Start another blog - I have already put this one in motion with a friend of mine. More on this in the new year I think.I think that is enough for now. I think I will try to keep a formal record of how many of these things I actually get done. Let me know if you have done any of them and have any advice or suggestions for me.


Back in buzzing JHB


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