These guys suck and so do their blogs

I am saddened, offended and upset by a string of blogs and website that I have stumpled across. Why South Africa Sucks and Free at Last Her in Godzone NZ are the two that have pissed me off the most. I will not be linking to either of these sites. If you want to read about them, Google them or something.Let me begin by saying that it will never be my intention to judge any person for leaving South Africa. If I do, I apoligise in advance. With that said, for anyone to slate an entire country and badmouth something that they can never, ever experience entirely, rationally or wholly is ignorant and naive. Yes I am calling you all ignorant and naive, do not turn around, there is no one else in the room, I am talking to you. If the shoe fits...A quote from the Free at Last site blurb:

"Free at last!" - Yes, and now living in Godzone New Zealand. Free from fear, free from rape, free from murder, free from discrimination, free from corruption, free from barb wire and burglar bars, free from hijacking, free to work and live a life that everyone should have. Free from the horrors of South Africa.

What the hell is this shit? What gives this person the right to say that in the whole of South Africa there is only rape, murder, fear, discrimination, corruption, etc etc etc? You fool. Why not express to the people reading your blog that your PERSONAL experiences in S.A. are what you talk about? I couldn't give a shit if you rip apart every person who did you wrong (shame poor baby, did it hurt?) 'cause life is tough. But leave the entire country out of your banter. You left on your own two feet so keep walking. Do not make your problems our problems. Do not propagate random experiences that affected you as the experiences of EVERY South African alive. Yes, there are issues here and they exist, but there are issues everywhere. And yes, the statistics for good old "Godzone" (what kind of a name is that self righteous crap?) are lower than those statistics for S.A. but so is the population you twit. I bet that if we look at the stats closely enough we will see that relatively they are similar for S.A and NZ.You irritate me. You anti-patriots, you ex-wannabe freedom advocate, you silent supporters of the South African past.Do me favour, leave S.A. that's fine, but don't choose to let it hang over your head and force it to hang over mine. Leave and let go. Leave and forget. Forget that you ever lived here if you are so bitter.Now to quote the Why SA Sucks blurb:

This blog chronicles the slide of a once magnificent, thriving First World Country into that of a crime ravaged, Stalinist turd world hell hole.

I'm sorry but do you mean the apartheid state of the past when you refer to a "First World Country"? That one? The one where black people were oppressed, raped, murdered, violated, restricted and could not find work? That Country? I must admit that the country you speak of sounds wonderful, if you are white (and I am assuming you are white, correct me if I'm wrong).Let us all just be honest here for a second, the South African population mainly consists of black people, strange hey. Go figure. So as a white man, you are confident to ask for the best person to get the job and BEE not to exist, but lets be honest the best person for the job is the one with the best education, for the best education to be recieved one needs to have been allowed in to University to start with. That was not the black man 15 years ago. Starting to pick up a trend here? To continue, if the black majority of the country was not allowed, by the past government, to attend University then how were they to become educated to get high end jobs? They weren't. Simple answer. Thus there are steps in place to correct the over 400 years of wrong doing. Still with me here? Good.If you can read this and still not at least understand what is going on in S.A. then you made the right decision to leave and you will not be missed. However, you will be missing out on an amazing country in the very near future and you will regret leaving. Good riddance to you.Now the same advice applies to you as it did to the NZ Godzone person: Leave, but leave peacefully and do not return. Do not claim to miss the sun, the sea, the people, the braai's and the laughter. Do us all a favour and Do not return, Ever.


No fucking dumping


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