The best way to kill a Parktown Prawn

Ages ago I blogged about my experiences with Parktown Prawns.I have just approved a comment from Mike on that post that I couldn't help but republishing.

We found out about parktown prawns the hard way. One morning, my father woke up one morning and opened his eyes to see the underneath of a large adult prawn sitting on his face. Well, let me just say that his head hit the light fitting.Since then, I have had a few incidents. I put on shoes, tied the laces and only then did I feel something walking around on my foot. I’m so glad I wear socks with shoes.A few days ago, I put on a pair of jeans and sat down to put my shoes on and felt a prick in the side of my leg, like a black jack or something. So I rubbed it a bit and the spikey feeling moved all the way down my leg as I prodded at it until a small parktown prawn popped out the bottom.In the last two weeks, I have had at least one parktown prawn in my house every 2 days. I must have a nest in the garden and my stupid cats seem to enjoy bringing them in to play.I think the best way to get rid of them is with a tennis racket, a container that can close and a brick. (This is a two man approach):Step1:Approach slowly with the tennis racket while your partner stands by with the container and lid.Step 2:Prod the prawn to make it jump.Step 3:When it jumps, take a full swing with the racket, if you hit it against the wall hard enough, you may knock it out temporarily.Step 4:Quickly, get the prawn in the container before it recovers, move fast, it does not take long.Step 5:Find a solid piece of ground outside, this is the messy part.Step 6:Shake the container rapidly to knock the prawn out and chuck it on the ground.Step 7:Flatten the prawn with the brick.Step 8:Clean up the mess before the other prawns find out.Step 9:Run inside and lock all the doors and windows.Step 10:Seek councelling..


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Take a joke Lolly Jackson