Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

WeBlogtheWorld tour - get the interviews right here

On Sunday the WeBlogtheWorld US Bloggers tour of South Africa kicks off. As you might know I am fortunate enough to be tagging along (who says blogging doesn't pay?).I am/will be blogging on ±6 different platforms. Count them with me: SA Rocks, this blog, Homecoming revolution, Zoopy, possibly the Zoopy blog, and maybe TechLeader blog (but that's if I have time) as well as being supplied with some space on the Bizcommunity blog too. Phew, lots of blogging.So I have decided that it's best for me to split up the content. This trip is filled with so much stuff and so many angles that I can easily break up the content in to various channels.For this blog I have chosen to try and get as many interviews, chats and discussions with the international bloggers up here as possilble. So look out for the interviews and contact me via the comments section of this post with thoughts and suggestions on what you'd like to hear them talk about.On the other blogs I will be showcasing South Africa, the people, the places we visit an the reactions of the bloggers to the country that we are privileged to live in.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

We Blog the World - A South African Bloggers Tour

I am really chuffed to be a part of a fantastic (and very smart) initiative by the International Marketing Council (IMC).The basic idea, as I like to understand it, is that 11 international bloggers who are all prominent in their respective fields will all be heading for SA for a ten day whirlwind tour of our magnificent country. You can see more about the project over at We Blog the World. So the ten day tour will invariably allow the readers of the 11 international blogs to be exposed to the wonders of SA. Therefore invoking a desire to find out more, experience SA, travel to the country or simply read more SA stuff. Great move by the IMC I think. It's social marketing. Brilliant.I have been invited to take part in the tour.Don't fool yourself thinking that I will be on a joy-ride for ten days. Big Mistake.Bizcommunity have proudly offered my a column for the ten days where I will be writing about the trip and publishing video and photo content through the ten days. I will also be double posting the trip on my two blogs, and SA Rocks. If that isn't enough I will also be posting to the Zoopy blog sporadically, the We blog the world (WBW) flickr group and the Zoopy profile/landing page for the event. I am going to be one blogged out blogger by the end of this week.But it will most definitely be worth it. The IMC have put together an incredible trip for all of the attending bloggers.Here are a few snippets of the trip, where we'll be and what we'll be doing:A heli flight over the peninsulaAn Electric Car DemoThen we head to Alexander Bay to delve in to SA's oyster culture.and then we head off to JHB for various events, viewings and museum tripsI am incredibly excited to be taking part as many of the things on the itinerary are things that I have been wanting to do in SA for ages but have never had the chance.Expect some great content.Head over to Matt's blog and see who else is taking part. Leave comments or contact me if there are specific questions you would like to see the visiting bloggers answer while they are here in SA!

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