Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

More votes = More voting

I've had this theory that today has been proven. To one extent or another more votes = more voting which = more votes. It's a cycle of voting.The people on muti are there. The voters and users exist but are apathetic. When something comes along, they will vote. Once they are on the site they will peruse other posts and vote more often.This is visible today:mutivotes.jpgOn an average day the top post on muti can receive up to a whopping 5 or 6 votes. Today the top 5 have a massive increase on that number!Simple theory, more votes = more voting. Done.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Facebook, Cape Town and the Monopoly Board

I am really not sure why but I freakin' want Cape Town to clean up this whole Monopoly Board thing.If you don't know what I am on about then let me briefly explain why I am writing this post. I was invited to join the Vote for Cape Town on the World Monopoly Board group on Facebook. I did, that was about two weeks or so ago.At that point there were under 100 people in the group and Cape Town was situated in the top gagillion for the Monopoly board. I then blogged the situation on SA Rocks and at the same time the Facebook group took off. Since I joined the group there have been more than 4000 people join and begin voting daily for Cape Town.The effect that this has had really impresses and astounds me. In fact it renews my opinion that Facebook can be a great place to rally and market around a product, point, belief etc etc.Cape Town has gone from nowhere to a peak of #8. We now site at a great #9 and will surely soon be climbing further. With over 4000 people voting daily for our success it is almost ensured at this point. With 25 days of voting left, if you haven't voted yet or haven't been voting all day I think it's best that you get started.In general I am absolutely blown away by the success that the Facebook group has had in such a short span. Let's hope that they can pick Cape Town up in to one of the top three spots. Then we'll be top on the Monopoly Board for a very long time to come.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Vote for the 2010 World Cup poster

It seems as though that term "crowd sourcing" is going viral and going mainstream.Bizcommunity reports today (and I heard it on the radio last week) that voting for the 2010 World Cup poster is open.What a rocking and brilliant idea. You get a choice, they get a design that the masses want and like and the public takes ownership of the event. Fantastic.And here they are:2010poster.jpgI am personally voting for the center option (I think I can tell you, this isn't politics!). I am interested to know what you all think. I would also like to know what Mr Cherry, the Jo's and Ideate might say to all this.I like all the options and was particularly drawn to the pregnant soccer belly on the right. But I feel as if that is a bit too deep and meaningful and somewhat serious. I am looking for fun in a poster, something that draws you in, lets you look around (briefly) and spits you out with a message at the end.What do you think?

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

The plan is here, it's voting time

I mentioned that I would be coming up with some sort of a plan. I have struggled and battled with internal strife and maintained my dignity - to some extent. Here is the plan for now:Gather a group of like minded bloggers (by that I mean bloggers who are tired of spammers on muti and self-promoting-spammers - SPS - on muti). Get these bloggers to vote down Spam and SPS on muti.Now you might ask who gets to decide what is spam and what is SPS? That's a good question. But let's rather ask: What makes spammers think that they can use muti as a service to spam me?I have spoken to Robert and a few others bloggers who are keen.The simple process is this: Spot a post on muti that is excessive self-promotion or spam and vote it down. Then comment on the muti post with "SPAM" for spam posts and "SELF PROMOTION" for excessive self promotion.I think that it is ok to promote your own sites or posts to an extent. It is when this self promotion becomes excessive and meaningless link-baiting, that it becomes spam. Simple.So, if you are interested in joining us on our voting down syndicate, please email me and let me know!Here goes...

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