Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Crowdsourcing my Tattoo - It's web 2.0h

I have done a lot of drawing, thinking and talking over the past few months regarding my tattoo.There is a lot of design work that goes in to something like this, something so permanent.I am at a bit of a black hole. I have design, ideas and ways that I want things to work out. I have pooled my resources, googles, downloaded free brush sets, drawn, redrawn, traced and visualised. But I think that I need some popular opinion or some professional assistance.So what I am asking for is a little help. I want to crowdsource some ideas for the design of my tattoo.The size of the entire thing cannot exceed the dimensions of an A4 piece of paper. Below is some of the design that I have (a cropped version of what I have, there is alot of stuff missing), if you want more, please email me and I can send you what I have so far: nharalambous at gmail dot com.I can't and wont promise to use stuff that is sent in to me as is, but I can be sure that I will use the ideas and credit the designers on this blog when the final design is placed on to me arm. By the way, the design is for my left arm, above the elbow and below neck/shoulder.

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