Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Using twitter effectively as a blog

SA Rocks is a blog that I own and run. And Twitter is a service that I absolutely love using and am fast becoming addicted to. It's also a service that is replacing my addiction to blogging.This is clearly evident in this blog. I tweet my rants now, I don't blog them. That takes too long.But with regards to SA Rocks I have been trying to figure out a way to make effective use of Twitter. I've struggled as many have been doing. I haven't managed to integrate SA Rocks in to Twitter at all.I don't think that punting blog posts via is the right way to go. I really feel like that is just pushing content and gaining no return on investment whatsoever.So I am trying more of a social feel attempt at integrating SA Rocks in to twitter. The pull of SA Rocks is that people want to feel good about South Africa. I know I do. Now what I am looking for is reasons for people to feel rocking in South Africa in 140 characters or less.I will then take my favourite rocking @ifeelrocking replies and put them in a daily blog post and tweet that via @ifeelrocking.Let's do it.

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