Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Long Weekend Work

Most people crave long weekends. Most people think of it as a bit of respite. But then there are the others. The people who reckon that they have worked so hard during the last few months/weeks that they deserve to go out every night of the long weekend and recover.I have been a combination of the two above. I think I deserve some rest, I do. But then my mates will phone me, we'll make plans that turn in to more plans that get you drunk and end up with you jamming at 4am at some club somewhere with someone. What a mission. Then Monday comes round again and you are trying to recover from the long weekend as well as the week prior to that when you were working.Sometimes being sociable feels like a job too.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Neighbour Horror Trilogy

My weekend neighbour trilogy is complete. Like every good horror story mine came in three parts: The grinding and drilling, the humming wall and now the hammer - the worst of all three-.9am, that is the time that this horror story occured. It came suddenly with a couple of hard and well targeted smashes to my area of our shared wall and it ended just as quickly. Like the bludgeoning of a victim in a movie my pain was realised quickly, experienced like a bad headache and then went away just as fast. Fortunately my story does not end in death for anyone... yet.I am now awake and the hammering has stopped. As in a good horror, there is one person left standing at the end with their entire life destroyed and no reason to really move on, so I am left awake with silence and unable to fall asleep.

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