Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Shun the psuedo celebrity role-model

Can anyone tell me why on this Earth we put people like Britney, Paris, Lindsey, Pamela, Christina, Tara and other ridiculous popstars in the public eye? Why?I can't understand it. Watch the video below and then tell me if these idiots should be on TV, selling music and themselves: - Watch more free videosIn today's day and age it is imperative to ensure that young people around the world have figures to look up to. These girls are not it. Definitely not.The South African rugby team are idols, heroes and men worth admiring. Grit, guts, determination and pride are things that we should be looking up to and admiring. Not drunken spells of abuse that lead to temporary stops in rehab.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Springbok haka rubbish

Why do we do this? Why must we insist on looking like morons? The New Zealanders do the Haka. Simple. We, do not.No, now we want to a Zulu version. I think that DJ Fresh or someone said it: Imagine Os, or Bakkies doing a Zulu dance before a game. Firstly they will look like morons, secondly they will feel like morons and thirdly they will play like morons.Not to mention how ridiculous we look that just before our world cup squad announcement all we can talk about is a stupid pre-game dance. COME ON PEOPLE.Let's practice a bit harder, work a bit longer, make the team gel a bit more before even think about existentially proposing the possibility of a little jig before the game.What we do pre-game when facing the haka is stand united as a team and face it. That's what we do, simple, effective and a big statement. Now we are trying to emulate, reinvent and copy the "better" team fromt he south? No, no, no.Let's just hope that Hoskins will sort his shit out, forget about the dance and concentrate on the world cup squad selection. The nation is watching you and for the moment having a little chuckle.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Chiliboy Ralepelle - Captain

This is un-fucking-believable and makes me so proud to be South African. I just read via my RSS reader on News24 that Chiliboy Ralepelle will be the first black captain, as well as the youngest at 20 years old, of the Springboks.


That is absolutely awesome. Him and old Jake White go way back to the SA under 21 world cup winning team. Jake being the coach Chiliboy being the captain. So in fact, this is a welcome and familiar change for both.However I must ask: is South Africa not pushing their players forward too quickly? Old Jacques Francois Stein is only a young 19, Chilliboy captain at 20. Where to from here? 16 year olds? I personally think we are breaking our players in to mainstream a bit too early. They haven't hit their peaks mentally or physically and could potentially crumble and destroy their rugby careers if they aren't careful. Why not rather bench them and integrate them slowly in to the team with time and care and caution?Check out the Chumpstyle for more opinion on this topic.

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