Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

The new Camel packaging

I am a smoker. No shock there, everyone's seen me smoke, many photos online feature me with a smoke in hand. I am also a dedicated Camel man. I have been smoking Camels for over 5 years now.In this time I've seen various designs and brands. I still swoon over the old camel box that was white and tasted so much better. But what can you do?Here is the latest Camel Box:photo-1photo-2photo-3

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Camel Gets Some Flavour

It appears as if Camel Cigarettes have quietly done a bit of a marketing ploy. Not advertised ('cause they can't I suppose) in the media at all, no little boards up at the Petrol Stations or anything of the sort.I simply stumbled upon the new, new camel box below at the Petrol Station:camel1.jpgcamel2.jpgNow what the lovely pack above involves is an outer label that looks like a box. This is covering a Metal Box that is branded with Camel which houses the regular Camel Pack. This all cost me R23-ish. It's a mere R4 more than simply buying the regular hard box so my question is this; Is it worth Camel's while to make this promotional box if it is only earning them R4 extra, it's not advertised or marketed and their customers are only moving to the metal box when they stumble upon it like I did?Either way I like it, wont use, but think it's a nifty little gimmick.

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