Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

URL change failed

I know, I know. I'm on holiday by the sea but I am blogging. I have an excuse: Jen is studying so I gave her the room alone without distractions.I noticed that my blog has not been up since I tried to change the URL on Friday morning. So I have changed the URL back to shutterview for the meantime but have left you all with my new blog look, direction and feel. I know this is another redesign but I promise it will be last.I hope that things get sorted out soon. Check out my flickr account for photos of my trip. I will be blogging about issues and things when I get back on Saturday next week. Have a great week.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Changing blog url and name

I am considering a change in name and url for Shutterview. I am tired of Googling my blog and finding another site. I am tired of hiding behind my blog with my opinions. I think I am perfectly happy for people to know who I am by the name of my blog. I have never hidden behind my blog url but also never promote who I am.I am just a bit stuck about hosting, url purchase, design etc etc etc. So, if you have any suggestions, thoughts or comments, feel free to send them through.I am considering an obvious but easy as the new url.Is it worth the admin of resubmitting, reclaiming, technorati ranking, google ranking, alexia, RSS feeds, subscription losses etc etc etc? I'm not sure, but I am sure that I am fed up with blogger in a big way.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

I think I hit a nerve

Uhuru Guru, The editor of Why South Africa Sucks, is pretty pissed off at me and has had no trouble in letting me know:

So, little Nic the piepiejoller wet behind the ears wanker decides to get all self-righteous about my blog. Listen up, little pip squeak – you know diddly squat, OK? I’m not even going to dignify your hysterical little rant beyond these few words. You’re a deluded little puss and your thinking is aeons behind mine. Perhaps one day you will catch up, I just hope its not after some simian ape has stretched your sphincter, shot you in the head or raped your mother. As for the rest of your poorly written, grammatically incorrect little screed, I can only say "a hearty FUCK YOU" to you. You’re a snivelling little brat, be off already, little boy!

Wow that's aggressive. Let's hope there is some semblance of an argument from the guru type guy in the near future that can help his cause because this little post has done nothing for him.Read my response to this comment and the full post at These guys suck and so do their blogs.PS: You spelled "aeons" and "snivelling" wrong. Good work on the spelling and grammar.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

World AIDS Day

I nearly forgot about this. I am actually quite embarrassed to say that, but I almost forgot.Now that I have remembered, I have dedicated a little section of Shutterview to World Aids Day (WAD). I am going to make reference to two sites that you should check out and read with regard to WAD.1. DATA is an amazing project, Debt, Aids, Trade, Africa (DATA) is an organisation that has only managed to do great things for Africa and the people of the world.2. The World Aids Day Website is a great read and has lots of information regarding many topics centred around HIV/Aids. Read it, now.Lastly I would like to implore every blogger who reads this to dedicate a section of their blog to WAD. A post, A comment, an image, a sidebar feature, a footer, anything. Just show the world that you are conscious of what is happening around you.

Don't be a fool, wrap your tool.
*Van Wilder
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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Tech Attach #7 - Google Reader

This Tech Attack will also serve as a brief overview of tools that Shutterview has recently added to its repertoire.To begin, above the Shutterview header I have placed a blog search option. You can now search for any post that Shutterview has published. The search engine is powered by and is one of the most effective personal blog searches I have come across. Use it, get it. The I have added a Flecking tool to the site at the bottom of the Sidebar. Make use of this tool to make comments on Shutterview about design, content, genre, me, you or anything that your heart desires. These comments will then be sent to Fleck for anyone to see and make use of in the future. I will also be able to use these comments to keep in touch with your opinions of my blog. And finally I have added my Google Reader favourites to my topnav above the Shutterview header. Follow the link to see what RSS feeds I am viewing and loving. You can also add my Google Reader shared pages to your Google homepage if you so choose.Google Reader:On to the Google Reader. I have mentioned on my "Coming soon" feature that I would be comparing Google Reader with Bloglines. I have decided against that. Google reader has taken me. Bloglines is cool and all, but I just found it to be somewhat temperamental occasionally and very difficult to add RSS feeds to your list and manage the list.

Then I discovered Google Reader. Simply put Google Reader is an RSS feed reader. There are many of them out there on your desktop in your mail or a separate website (bloglines and Google Reader). What you do is find a blog with an RSS feed that you like and stick that feed in to the Google Reader and hey-presto you have an easy to view blog, no frills, no fuss and all your favourites on one page telling you when they are being updated. This not only saves time but is a lot less effort for people who read various blogs throughout the day.What a joy. It is the first page that I look at when I wake up. It is easy to manage and simple to add new feeds in to. Simply download the "subscribe" tool that is offered and subscribe to feeds as you surf. It's now a matter of clicking subscribe, adding a tag and watching the feed update. 1-2-3 and done.I have tags extended from News to blogs to international blogs and technology. The reader updates as often as updates are available and has yet to let me down.Check it out today and change the way you blog-surf.

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