Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Death Metal, Rap-hop and the devil made me do it

Satan has been in the news a fair amount over the past few days.

Krugersdorp - A schoolboy who stabbed a fellow pupil to death with a sword in Krugersdorp on Monday morning was apparently high on drugs, saying Satan had told him to kill the children...Krugersdorp councillor Alex Raubenheimer said school children on the scene told him the boy was high on drugs and was dressed like Joey Jordison, a drummer of the band Slipknot.source

I really enjoyed Chris Roper's post on the topic.I'm not sure if you've seen the movie "Primal Fear"? If you haven't, you should. Ed Norton and Richard Gere are fantastic.The basic premise of the movie is that an alter boy kills some people and uses his innocent, god-fearing "nature" to defend himself. This coupled with his apparent schizophrenia gets him off. He walks free.This isn't the same thing as stating that "the devil made me do it" ofcourse, but the premise is the same. It's the same as saying I am incapable of making decisions on my own so I blame the devil. The devil is intangible and doesn't exist therefore I need to make the concept real so I tell you that heavy metal is the devil's music. I can therefore blame the heavy metal for my actions and by association, blame the devil.{The way I see it (and I think this might ruffle some feathers) is that the devil does not exist. So in theory this is where my article should end, but for the sake of debate, let me continue.}Is this some sort of twisted philosophical logic that I just don't grasp? Why don't we blame the parents, the school system, the child, the child's friends and their influence on the child's life and actions? Why do we have to make it about themusic and single the music out as violent, aggressive and possible of warping a perception so much so that the child becomes warped in action?Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that an under-age child should be listening to music or watching films that promote violence, sexual promiscuity or any other illegal or dangerous action. But that is for the parents to regulate, you can't tell the music to stop playing itself if it thinks the child is under-age. That's just ridiculous.Furthermore, music can be intense, aggressive, cutting edge, loud, banging and harsh but that doesn't mean the lyrical content reflects that. I am deep in to rock music, old, new, heavy, soft, refined and raw. I love it all. But it doesn't all dramatically influence my action, choices, decisions and life. It provides me with insight in to what other people perceive the world to be.Let's step back 50 years or 40 years or 30, 20, 10 years in our history. Think back to The Beatles, The Stones, Queen (is the name a reference to homosexuality possibly?) and heaven forbid Elvis the once banned rocker and now the king of rock 'n roll forever. These bands all faced adversity in their time. Why? Because parents, teachers, headmasters, religious pundits and many other groups couldn't take responsibility for their actions, their children or their children's actions. Basically, blame the music for the uncontrollable and rebellious nature of our children.I thought we were meant to learn from the mistakes of our past? Are we not just repeating the actions of the ignorant and blind from the past by condemning the music and inadvertently pushing our children towards the messages that we are trying to protect them from?When I was about 11 I got in to Skunk Anansie heavily. I loved them. The lead singer was a bald black woman by the name of Skin. Skin. Do you honestly think that my Greek Orthodox (then) father was going to tolerate it? Not a chance. The first song on the album featured the lyric "Yes it's fucking political". Ha! I didn't stand a chance. Or did I? I made sure that the first thing I did when my father stepped out of the house was play that song. I credit that song alone for my political interest and for my degree in politics from Rhodes University. That Damned music, it ruined my life.

Here's a Skunk Anansie cutaway:No wonder I'm so messed up. This is what I was listening to at 11/12 years old and I haven't killed, maimed, harmed anyone....yet...dum dum dum dum

All that my father's harsh actions, forced law and pushy intention did was make me crave the message, the content and the music more. Get real, kids are smarter than we give them credit for. Nothing you do is going to make them stop listening to that music.I'm not sure if you've looked around lately, picked your head up out of your bible, book, "reality" or life and noticed how liberal the world has become. Take your blinkers off. They are playing "the devil's music" in clubs nowadays, they are playing that rock-metal-death-rap-craziness on the radio. The world has moved on. So why don't you?One murder happens involving teenagers and it immediately becomes anti-religious (as if the only thing that can save our children is god/religion) and name and blame towards the musicians. I listen to Slipknot, I have 16 year old female cousins who listen to them too, they aren't suicidal, on a murderous rampage or intent on harming others. In spite of their personal lives they are actually very well balanced cousins who make me proud. The music they listen to gives them perspective on the world not insight in to the devil's mind. This was one incident that occurred amongst a sea of socially uncomfortable youths who do not choose to murder. Let's look at the one case, not clump the entire youth of SA and their music habits as satanistic.I am not saying the research doesn't oppose my argument, it might, I don't know. But to be honest I am more than satisfied with blaming myself for my actions, my societal influences, my friends, parents or experiences but not the devil and his (her) music.Last point, if you want violence, turn on Carte Blanche on a Sunday at 7pm, turn on SABC 1, 2, 3 and e-tv news at 7am or 7pm every day, listen to the radio broadcasts about war, dishonesty, crime, violence at home and abroad, cheating politicians world wide and more. Music, let me tell you, is a fraction of our problem today.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Who's going to Sexpo?

I am!!It started yesterday but work restraints have prevented me from going as of yet. If you are going and see me there... hide, ignore me and act like we've never met!! OK, just kidding, buy me something funky I'm sure you'll be able to find something there.For those of you who don't know what Sexpo is:

This hugely successful mix of entertainment and exhibitors, running in Australia for over 10 years has attracted more than 1,5 million visitors! Sexuality exhibitions become the most popular exhibitions around the world, in America, Europe, Australia and Singapore, now its time for SEXPO South Africa!

And this is what is going down:• Adult entertainment & venues• Adult products & services• Aromatherapy• Bachelor & Bachelorette party Organisers• Beauty Therapy• Bedding• Body piercing & tattooing• Car sound, security and accessories• Cellular products and services• Clairvoyants & tarot readings• Cosmetics• Fashion• Financial Services• Glamour photography & artistry• Gymnasiums & sports equipment• Hair and skin care• Health & fitness information, products & services• Internet Services & Providers• Jewellery• Leather wear & products• Leisure equipment• Lingerie & swimwear• Luxury Vehicle sales and hire• Magazines & publications• Massage & meditation• Party and events organisers• Romantic restaurants• Spa baths• Travel agencies and tour operators• Wine sampling and salesAnd finally the main attractions according to the website:• Browse and shop around the huge range of exhibitor stands;• Check out the curated Art Gallery;• Pick up a few new tricks at the SEXPO workshops;• Watch out for the crazy Penisaurus;• Be entertained by the best of local and international performers.I am dead keen and will be there in all my glory (whatever glory that might be is up for debate at this point). But nonetheless I shall be attending sometime over the weekend so keep and eye out.For more info visit the SEXPO website.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Get Them Laid - South African Version needed?

getemlaid.pngI came across Get Them Laid today and think it is a fantastically humorous site that pokes fun at those who need a shag. Let's be honest, everyone needs a shag!I think that we should swing together a team and have a GetEmLaidSA site up and running as soon as humanly possible. I've been to the geekdinners, I've seen the "otherside" and let me tell you there are no tans and no orgies!! OK, OK, I am exaggerating but still, what a great idea!

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Pronto Condoms

Before it's over, it's that's fast.What an unbelievably freakin' brilliant product/concept. A Pronto Condom is an easy on condom. I think this is one of the best sexual inventions that has come out since sex itself (nothing beats sex).This little condom makes life easy on everyone. You get it up, you get things moving, you get ready, wait, you need to rip the packet open, figure out which way is up and manage the slippery side of life. Then it's finally on and things aren't 'happening' if you catch my drift. So this little packet o' joy makes using a condom easy.Then there is the added joy of logic: If the condom is easy to use, more people will use them. Simple. And what an amazing ad campaign the above movie is!Check out the Pronto Condom website now, order online or buy them at any major Pharmacy nation wide (Excl Clicks).

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