Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

2oceans: going, going, gone!

I must say that I am extremely contented that 2oceansvibe is out of the blog awards for 2007. He [Seth Rotherham] just announced that 2oceansvibe will be bowing itself out of the awards. What a relief, now it can actually be labeled the BLOG awards.Many people have problems with 2oceansvibe, as do I. Where are the comments Seth? Why don't you let your readers speak to you? Are there any readers (I am sure there are)? I have used the "contact us" section on the site a few times and received no feedback from Seth. I am sure he has reasons, I would love to know what they are.Seth posted earlier today about the 2007 SA Blog Awards, unfortunately I struggle to take him seriously and never read this "blog's" content (I can see Britney's shaved head and Paris's boobs anywhere) so I skimmed through it. Obviously Seth holds the awards in enough esteems to be upset when he feels things aren't going his way. He only joins in the debate near the end when big media picks up the story.Tsk, Tsk Seth, do regular bloggers not qualify to be responded to by someone of such high esteem as yourself. It takes big media to rouse your opinion? Well in my opinion bud, too little too late and too inconsequential.Oh, one last thing... I counted 48 adverts on 2oceansvibe. I think that's more ad than content on the homepage.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Does the SA Blogging "elite" dominate Muti?

I have just read two great posts about the downfall of The post pretty much asks if Digg is or ever was a democracy where the best posts prevail, or whether the "Digg Mafia" bury what they don't like and give rise to an underworld of posts.This question is well posed and poised to alert the general public to the issues surrounding services like Digg and the South African equivalent, Muti.Muti is brilliant, I love using it and reading the posts. However the "stats" section on the Muti site is somewhat worrying in regard to the Death of Digg post that I read. It seems that there is an "elite" posting cream at the top of the Muti crop. These users have the most "kudus" and are submitting the most content. I am interested to know how many of these users posts have consistently reached the top spot and stayed there the longest? I have a feeling that the results would not be surprising.I would like to know how Muti is differentiating itself from the likes of Digg. Is the content different? Maybe, but more recently I have noticed many "Top 15..." posts from international sites reaching the top 20. These posts simply aim to reach the top of any rating site and they seem to be doing fairly well. Why are these posts reaching the top? Why are users not voting them down and how is Muti going to prevent a Digg scenario?If these users maintain their dominance over Muti what is the chance of an unknown blogger or contributor to Muti being heard for long enough to make any sort of impact? Many new voices that emerge have incredible things to say. Yet it seems that unless a prolific submitter discovers them and submits their post to Muti the new voice will wither away and die a slow and unrecognised Mutied death.Is Muti actively trying to engage the general blogging public? Are people aware of the service and the public and open nature of the service? If they are then maybe they simply choose not to submit for fear of looking stupid, but if they are not aware of Muti I think it is time to let the public know and make their posts and submissions count.In the very heated debate on stii's blog regarding the SA Blog awards, the "elite" bloggers were mentioned as an issue in the SA Blogosphere. I am beginning to wonder if this "elite" is dominating in more ways than we may realise.The SA Blog awards, Muti and then the world!

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

SA Blog Awards second round

It is time for the second round of voting for the SA Blog Awards. The results are out and there are some incredible blogs that have been nominated and my congratulations go out to all the nominees.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

South African blog awards 2007

It is official, nominations for the bestest of the bestest in the south are open. So get down to the SA blog awards site now and submit your vote.Cherryflava appears to be the main sponsor of the awards this year and Your Group of Web AddiCT(s); is heavily involved (Graphic Design/Web application development).This is a great initiative that is in its third year. Get your votes in and make this whole blogging thing worth while for those who entertain you and get your through your days!

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