Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Facebook makes me feel invisible

This is not a blog post about Facebook although Facebook is involved. This is a blog post about choices and the ramifications of the choices I have made.Let me begin at the start where all starts begin. I went to a single primary school from grade 1 to standard 3. I left in standard 3 for a girl - a friend - who wanted to leave my school. I went with her. I packed up my shit and left never to return to that school ever again.Yesterday I was perusing my minifeed on Facebook when I noticed some message about someone I used to know at my first primary school before I left. In fact, I didn't just know this girl, I was besotted with her back in the day and was very good friends with her.I started checking out some photos of hers from when we were in standards 2, 3, 4 and 5.I was invisible.I didn't feature in a single photo from that time. Hell, I was probably the guy taking some of the photos at that stage. But not a single photo was I a part of. This in some sense made me feel invisible. I felt as if, to these people, I never existed because I wasn't in recorded memory, Facebook or otherwise.This really made me wonder about my choices and decisions and how I have consistently been looking forward and not noticing who is looking at me and wondering where I went. This has become a trend in my life - this feels awfully honest - as I went from primary school to primary school, high school to Rhodes to my own company to a new job. At every choice I have left people behind.What happened to those people? What happened to me? And I wonder what life would be like if I had chosen to stay at my first primary school until my last year instead of cutting my time with those people short.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Stupid is...

This lovely lady:

Pic courtesy

All I can say is the above picture is the exact reason that I got tired of Rhodes. This sort of thing will definitely come back to bite you in the arse (or nipple) later in life. It is on the net, it is out there and it will be for a very long time. Stupid is as stupid does. This is stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Three Rhodes Students Die

I just heard that three Rhodes students have passed away in a car accident on the N2 between Grahamstown and P.E.I think that this is so unbelievably sad. It has happened since my first year at Rhodes. I have lost mates on that road, I have lost mates to suicide at Rhodes and many more people have lost many more people. What the hell is up with the world and the bubble that is Rhodes? Just a short post to offer my condolences to the families of those who passes away.

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