Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Nudjit nominated for a logo award

logodesignlove.jpgJustin just alerted me (Thanks to Google Alerts) that - our gadget review blog - has been nominated for a logo award at LogoDesignLove.The process is simple. If you dig our logo (and we hope you do) you simply comment on THIS POST nominating Nudjit as your logo of choice.The list of blogs we are competing with is fairly esteemed, the likes of Gizmodo, Boing Boing, GigaOM and OHGizmo! are all present and accounted for.We would absolutely love your support so head over to the LogoDesignLove blog and leave your comment in support of Nudjit!Thanks to the LogoDesignLove bloggers for recognising Nudjit so early in the game for us.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

David Airey's blog is a must read

davida.jpgI know that many bloggers aren't in to the whole optimization concept. Whether it be optimizing writing, appearance, communication or any other aspect of a blog. But David Airey has a blog that have not been able to get off for the last week or two.davea1.jpgHe talks about a variety of topics in a succint and simple way that makes sense to me and clearly to others as well. I think the blog will (might) appeal to the Quirks, Cherry's and Jo's of the SA blogosphere as well as any blogger who is in the process of a redesign or generally looking to spruce up their template and approach to blogging.Some featured articles that I found that have definitely helped me at SA Rocks and soon on this blog too:5 important design aspects of any website or blog6 tips to improve your blog articlesTop 5 essential WordPress PluginsAre these good or bad business cards?Some points I particularly like from articles that I have read on his blog: Link your blog posts to and from your blog posts. This will help to keep the reader on your site for as long as possible.Clean things up. Get rid of anything unnecessary in your sidebar.Choose a colour scheme.I am sure that many in the SA blogosphere will glance over the blog and palm it off as useless gimicky rubbish. I don't think so however.If this sort of thing interests you then do yourself a favour and visit his blog. Just like most how to sites suggest, David has contacted me and thanked me for my comments. Nice touch and one that I think many of us overlook. Person to person is always best. Always.

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