Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Johnnic is dead, Avusa Lives

avusa2.jpgIt seems as though today is officially the day that Johnnic has its funeral and Avusa has its birthday!Here are some of the first images that I have seen today of the new logo and brand name:avusa1.jpg

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Rethinking, New Job, New Approach

So what about blogging I hear you ask? I haven't been particularly on my game this week have I? No, I haven't. There is a very good reason for this though I must say.I have, just this week, taken up a position at FM Campus as the new editor. The magazine is the Campus production of Financial Mail.I am extremely excited about the position, the company, the people and the actual workings of the job itself. I have a lot of scope to move and develop the project in the manner that I choose (with some strategic and authoritative guidance).Other than that I have been brokering deals with Virgin Money (more to come about that later) and trying to keep my personal life balanced and in one piece.For now that is that and I will try to keep on top of my blogging and SA Rocks too!!

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