Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Get hold of the boss man

Finally after 8 days of phone calls and becoming an internet hobo thanks to Telkom I have internet again.The problem was a simple one that any phone operator could have pointed out... a Telkom phone technician had reset my modem incorrectly when I called first 8 days ago. Well thank you for nothing you bloody idiots.Oh yes, I forgot about this: There are two people you need to speak to if you are having issues with your internet. One is the supervisor of the phone technicians, Mr Khumalo (ask for him, he digs it i promise), the other is Mr Sifiso Mkhize, he is the big boss man. Wise up and stop talking to the invalid on the line, ask for the boss and the bosses boss and his boss too. Enough of this rubbish, lets all go riot outside Telkom's office.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

I've been away and it's bad

I know I have been absent over the last few days. It's really out of my control. I am so sorry!!Wow, I sound like a recovering addict of some sorts. I must say, these internet down times provided so willingly by Telkom always seem to come at such bad times. Meetings to organise, interviews and freelance to do using skype. It's just so difficult running an online company in S.A sometimes don't you think?Anyways, I am making use of Primi Platinum in Rivonia for their internet access and have to shamelessly punt them for their incredible service, smiles and Jack Johnson background music. Thanks to Primi and if anyone out there needs internet, make use of a Primi near you and spend, spend, spend on coffee and smokes!

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Die Telkom die

I have spent over 10 hours on hold with Telkom since Thursday last week. I have been waiting for four days for an idiot supervisor to call me back and all to no avail. I have not had a safe and steady internet connection for over 6 days. Joy.When I asked a helpline man if in his eight years at Telkom they have ever had any internet down time he answered no. In EIGHT YEARS Telkom has never experienced what we go through. I wonder why.

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