Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Amy Winehouse pisses me off

amy_winhouse.jpgYou know why she pisses me off? Because I really like her sound, her voice and her music. But I hate the bitch.I hate the fact that she is a druggy. I hate the fact that in spite of there being actual evidence that she is a user and has purchased drugs that nothing has happened to.How does an institute like the Grammy Awards allow a known flipping drug user to not only perform but win awards? There should be rules against this.Winehouses' mother was pictured hugging the "star" after she won the awards. Wasn't the mother the one telling fans not to support Amy? Hypocritical idiot. Stick to your guns. I will not purchase or support the Winehouse industry of taking money and blowing it up a nose or vein. I refuse.With all the media coverage of her addiction, abuse, rehab and marital woes, what has now happened with her winning Grammy's is that her actions have been condoned and she has become a "role model". What the fuck is wrong with people in the limelight? Are the Grammy's baked or using what Winehouse is using? Cause they must be in order to let her on stage, perform and receive 5 awards.

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