Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

According to Nike football doesn't exist in Africa

For some reason today I visited Nike has a massive banner advert across the top of the site.I found myself intrigued for some reason with this advert so I clicked on it. It took me to the website.nike_advert.jpgThe strangest thing happened. I think the website broke as soon as I landed on the page because there is no Africa option on the site. They ask you to select a region and a language but sadly there is no way to choose Africa.nike_footbal_com.jpgDoes Nike think that we don't have Internet down here in deep dark Africa? Do they think that we don't know what football is (or soccer) in Africa, can't afford an actual ball or did they not notice that little thing called the World Cup in 2010?This sort of junk really gets under my skin because it's not like we are some obscure little country in the world, THEY LEFT OUT AFRICA. In case you were wondering and didn't know this, Africa is actually an entire continent that is bigger than freakin' Europe (I think). How do you leave out an entire continent that is hosting it's first FOOTBALL WORLD CUP in 2010?Ridiculous and it pisses me off.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Ronaldinho: Touch Of God

Holy shit (pun intended) this dude is phenomenal. Watch the movie below and tell me something: Is this movie real? Could it have been doctored?This video has been viewed something like 13,000,000 times with over 7000 comments on it. Incredible, but is it real?

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Football Hooliganism Makes Football Watchable

manchester-united-fans-getting-beat-down-425.jpgSitting at the Keg last one of my mates was watching the Football. Manchester United vs AS Roma. BOOORRRRRIIIIINNNNGGGGG!!!But Wait, it's half time, the riot police are out and some Mancs (term for Manchester United Supporters) are getting the living daylight kicked, punched, beaten and whipped out of them. Let me tell you, the entire pub came to a stand still, turn around, and watched the onslaught. People cheered, shouted and went absolutely mad at a bit of police brutality.Prior to the incident, not a single peep from anyone regarding the Football!What does this say about the state of society right now?1: Either Football is an extremely boring sport and people are catching on or2: It takes blood and guts to make us feel good.I think that both are applicable. I can't turn around without hearing someone talk about the movie 300. Blood, comic books, gore, aggression, etc etc etc. Same old, same old. Yet no one takes two seconds to discuss the more subtle films, songs, T.V. series on. It's all about Nip/Tuck, Prison Break, beat your mom music, death metal and all the rest of the testosterone boosting influence that is available.It must also be said that Football is not a particularly stimulating watch for the AVERAGE viewer, not the emphasis on average. I am not talking about the Mancs, the die hard pommie wanna be football freaks who not which team finished 15th in the premier league 12 years ago. I am talking about the average guy or girl sitting at a pub NOT wanting to watch football.Quick comparison:Rugby: 80 minutes a game, points are scored via Tries, Conversions, Penalties or a drop goal (occasionally a Penalty Try will be awarded). There are lineouts, scrums, mauls, rucks, tackles, contact, kicking, passing (via hands), passing (via feet) amongst many other interesting phases in and out of the game. Games hardly ever end in a draw and when it does, that is usually a fair result.Football: 90 minutes a game, a goal can be scored by a player (usually the forwards), goals can be scored with the head or the foot (occasionally an obscure part of the body, NEVER the hands or arms). There are throw-ins, freekicks, the occasional penalty and very often the game ends in a draw which is usually a crap and boring result.Now, before you start telling me that I am bias, I am not, I love Football, I support Everton (UK) and Pirates (SA). I just think that something could be done to improve the sport for the viewers, and I don't mean beat the fans until the T.V. station puts on a Heineken Advert!
Pic supplied by AOLsportsblog

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