Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Don't be a fool, don't drive drunk, bu...

Don't be a fool, don't drive drunk, but feel free to drink without the drive.OK, so I saw Jason's post on his lovely Castle hamper that he received and all of a sudden felt like a terrible person.I have received one of the Castle hampers too. And they rock my socks off, truly. There is a freakin' place to hold your beer of choice in the braai apron. That's classy stuff right there.But on a more serious angle, Castle Lager is doing something very smart this year. They are telling people to drink, but stay the fuck away from driving cars if they are drunk. Now they obviously didn't use these particular words in their campaign but that's the gist of it.Don't drink and drive. Don't be a tit, don't be a murderer and don't be a tool. Wait, wasn't that a Van Wilder line? "Don't be a fool, wrap your tool" - Not pertinent to this topic but nevertheless great advise for this festive season.Anyways, the entire point of the campaign is to promote "designated drivers", to make sure that those guys and girls are not the losers of the evening. So you can download the pdf now to find out where the parties are happening and get smacking.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

I went to a party

I received the below poem/text/story in an email. I can't accredit it to a proper source because I don't have the proper source.I went to a party,And remembered what you said.You told me not to drink, MumSo I had a sprite instead.I felt proud of myself,The way you said I would,That I didn't drink and drive,Though some friends said I should.I made a healthy choice,And your advice to me was right,The party finally ended,And the kids drove out of sight.I got into my car,Sure to get home in one piece,I never knew what was coming, MumSomething I expected least.Now I'm lying on the pavement,And I hear the policeman say,The kid that caused this wreck was drunk,Mum, his voice seems far away.My own blood's all around me,As I try hard not to cry.I can hear the paramedic say,This girl is going to die.I'm sure the guy had no idea,While he was flying high,Because he chose to drink and drive,Now I would have to die.So why do people do it, MumKnowing that it ruins lives?And now the pain is cutting me,Like a hundred stabbing knives.Someone should have taught him,That it's wrong to drink and drive.Maybe if his parents had,I'd still be alive.My breath is getting shorter, MumI'm getting really scared.These are my final moments,And I'm so unprepared.I wish that you could hold me Mum,As I lie here and die.I wish that I could say, 'I love you, Mum!'So I love you and good-bye. That's enough to make you not want to drink and drive in the upcoming holiday season.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Ricky Januarie - Drink, drive and play professional rugby

Sounds like a plan to me. I am unbelievably disappointed with the officials involved in this.

Springbok scrumhalf Ricky Januarie was arrested on Sunday morning in Durbanville, Cape Town, for drunk driving.

This article was written on September 15th at IOL. Guess what? Ricky Januarie is playing rugby on Saturday for Western Province.What is wrong with society that sports people (celebrities) are allowed to go free in spite of an arrest? Surely Januarie should be suspended until his court hearing? Surely the Western Province board doesn't care that much about winning? Surely it is more important to create a sense of responsibility among the idols of SA rugby?I am going to say it again, I am exceptionally disappointed with the situation and believe that Januarie should be indefinitely removed from professional rugby. This is not his first offense either and that should be even more cause for concern. No, not in our rugby ranks. Here drunk driving is an acceptable crime. Placing other people in danger on the road is seen to be an acceptable way of existing in society. Well I think not. What if Januarie had killed someone? What if he had rammed his car in to someones wall, car, child, mother or grandmother? What then?

It seems that Ricky Januarie will be able to play the rest of the year since his driving under the influence of alcohol case has been postponed to 29 January 2009.“Januarie, who was arrested by police in the early hours of Sunday morning in Durbanville near Cape Town, has been named to play for Western Province in a Currie Cup match against Griquas at Newlands on Friday. WP coach Allister Coetzee confirmed this week that he will continue to select the player, despite the scrumhalf’s off-field troubles.” - source

But instead January walks free and gets to earn more money and play more rugby all the while, leaving a great trail for the youth to follow. Well done Januarie, well done.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

BMW drivers - the worst on the road

Hoping to have an enjoyable evening out with Jen tonight I drove to pick her up from her house. However no drive in Sandton is complete without some moronic BMW driver thinking he owns the road and drives a Ferrari.Let me tell all of you BMW drivers something; you are not special. You drive one of millions upon millions (scott,maybe you can help out on numbers here) of BMW's out there, there are millions upon millions of other people that drive your exact model. Thus, therefore and hence, you are not special. Do not drive like you own the road, do not drive like your irritating blue lights are cool, they aren't, sorry Kevin.The reason for this post: While driving to Jen's place I was aggressively pushed on to the right hand side of the road (that's the wrong side of the road if you are wondering) on a right-angle corner by a black BMW. If you are reading this, screw you. I proceeded to do what every man would: I hooted the crap out of my hooter. It gives me satisfaction to do this. I thought I had made my point. I hooted until I couldn't here myself think. We both took the corner following another car in front of us. The three of us are now so closely knit that I can see the ridiculous hairdo of the driver of the black BMW.Then it happened, to add salt in to the wound of a correct and safe driver, the Black BMW man flicked his stompie (cigarette butt) on to my windscreen in triumph of his idiotic and dangerous driving. Do these people think they are clever by placing other peoples lives in danger? I couldn't give a rats ass if someone like this crashes in to a wall (not in to other people) and hurts themselves. They deserve it. There are enough things in this world that can end a life, why would you want to make your driving another murder weapon.Take your flashy driving and BMW attitude and stick it wherever is most uncomfortable for you.This post in no way intends to brand EVERY SINGLE BMW driver an idiot, but do me a favour and help yourselves out a bit, drive like you want to live.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

White Taxi

I was in town this weekend and when I say town I don't mean Sandton City. I was in Johannesburg central, Hillbrow area. Now there are certain people who claim that this areas is the deadliest of the dead, the roughest of the rough and the maddest of the mad. I disagree but before I start to wander off topic I shall end that discussion now. Town is OK. I like Town. I think that Town is the place to be, it's a hub, it's cool, it's kitch, it's got history, pizazz, spunk (a bit of gunk) and there are a lot of big business head offices based there so I think it gets the nod.Anyways, I was driving home from Town when I looked out of my window to the right and saw the most unbelievable thing that I have ever seen as a white Sandton boy. I saw a white male taxi driver. Now all you foreigners to South Africa wont really grasp the significance of this. However, this was a significant moment for me, for you and for the greater South African cause. Black men drive Taxis, they don't drive the kind of taxi that you see in London or New York, they drive old VW minibuses and jam them with 5 to 10 more people than are legally allowed in a vehicle of that size, but they drive taxis, not skinny white, confused white males with fear and their eyes and oh, did I mention white? I think that the reason black men mostly drive these taxis is that mostly black people make use of the service, so it's a logical market to capture. (It's not a race thing so don't even think about throwing that crap my way).I was simply astounded to witness a white person driving a black taxi and understanding all the hand signals that indicate which car is turning what direction heading for a specific area on a predestined route. It's incredible and something that I thought was simply out of reach for any white South African to ever understand and control was being mastered by a whitey and accepted by the black passengers. Simply amazing.I wish that I had time to whip out my phone and snap a few photos but Town is a busy place with busy roads and angry people so I put my phone away and drove off marvelling in my luck.*Aside: Is it not absolutely astounding to anyone who has ever witnessed interaction between taxi driver and potential passenger that either of them know which way they are going? At one point passenger 'A' is walking South while the taxi is driving North, the fingers go up, glances are exchanged, fingers are crossed, a deal is made and all of a sudden passenger 'A' is in the taxi driving North, which is the opposite direction to that which passenger 'A' was just walking initially. It amazes me and boggles my tiny brain.

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