Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

The worst job at 46664

This poor guy pushed the camera on tracks from approximately 12:30 to 22:30:DSCF0180.JPGDSCF0179.JPGHe had an SABC media tag on so I can only assume that the poor guy wasn't paid too much. I wonder how many kilometres he walked throughout the day?

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Rock out minus the politics

North Korea (NK) is allowing Western Musicians in to their country to play a concert for peace. The concert is being organised by a pro-NK group and will be help next year as long as the lyrical content from the bands is not "sexy or violent". (Hmmm, well that rules out ALMOST EVERY BAND IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!).A little quote from the Voice of Korea website talking about the concert:

"any band will be considered even though you are from USA."

Now I am as anti-American as the next blogger out there, but seriously, "even if you are from USA"? Are these morons nuts? Some of the best bands in the world are from the USA (I hate to admit that but it's true).Lets see, U2 (political) - out, FooFighters (aggressive) - out, Greenday (political/aggressive) - out, Coldplay (political) - out, Robbie Williams (Drug abusive) - out, Travis (political) - out, The Strokes/The Vines/The Hives/Arctic Monkeys/White Stripes/REM/Elton John/Rolling Stones/Paul McCartney/Aerosmith/Goo Goo Dolls/Pink/P.Diddy/Jay-Z/Ludacris/Beyonce/Eminem/any other rapper/any punk rock band (all political or aggressive or biased or violent).This list could go on forever. There are very few bands who have no political agenda in their music whatsoever. These days music is love and music is war.So to sum up, playing at this concert I can see Pussy Cat Dolls (if they remained 98% clothed), Ronin Keating (if he isn't too violent about love), Westlife (Because Ronin owns them) and maybe, just maybe someone like Kylie Minogue - maybe.

I think that it is an incredible idea to have this concert (the first of its kind) in NK, but I am not sure what the point in having a concert of this nature is if you are simply going to be political and restrict the musicians. Talk about artistic irony balanced out with a pinch of slap-in-the-face-politics. That's what happens when a propaganda organisation is allowed to plan a concert.
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