Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Al Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize 2007

al-gore.jpgWOW! Isn't this interesting? Al Gore has finally won something. And to be honest, if I were him I would rather win the Nobel Peace Prize than the presidency of the US of A.From CBC:

Former U.S. vice-president Al Gore and a United Nations climate change panel won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday.The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the news Friday in Oslo.Gore, a vocal environmentalist, has made headlines around the world with his Academy Award-winning documentary, An Inconvenient Truth.

Go Al with your bad self. I am impressed that a cause such as his is getting its due exposure. May it continue and may we switch off our lights and save energy!

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

10 tips to help climate change

This is an issue extremely important to me. I am passionate about the environmental issues that humanity is facing right now. There is nothing really more important. Religion, race, class, politics, it all ends if we screw up Earth.Yes, it's a fair argument to say that unless politics, race, religion, class, capitalism etc are all resolved then environmental issues will be simpler to solve - hypothetically.Why am I blogging about this? In my opinion one of the reasons that people aren't working effectively every day to solve the problem of global warming and climate change is because they are ignorant about the topic. The topic is a fairly complicated one and can become cumbersome if you let it.This site does not let it become complicated. Design Can Change is a well designed flash site that is centered around educating people and helping them to change their ways. Simple, effective and one that Al Gore would just relish.Get there now and start changing your ways.designchange.gif
Here are ten simple, easy, quick, everyday tips to help you start making a difference:Change a light - Replacing a regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent one saves 150 pounds of carbon dioxide each year.*Drive less - Walk, bike, take mass transit, and/or trip chain.Recycle more and buy recycled - Save up to 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide each year just by recycling half of your household waste.Check your tires - Properly inflated tires mean good gas mileage.Use less hot water - It takes a lot of energy to heat water.Avoid products with a lot of packaging - Preventing waste from being created in the first place means that there is less energy wasted and fewer resources consumed.Adjust your thermostatPlant a tree - A single tree can absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime.Turn off electronic devices when not in use - Simply turning off your TV, VCR, computer and other electronic devices can save each household thousand of pounds of carbon dioxide each year.Stay informed - Use the Earth 911 Web site to help stay informed about environmental issues, and share your knowledge with others. Together, we can and do Make Every Day Earth Day!More tips like these and other great information available at Earth 911.And one more for good measure:CARPOOL - try to find people in your office who live close to you and carpool. Get in the car with more than one person. One car is better than four.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Live Earth, SA flags and climate change

It's always so comforting to know that wherever in the world you go, whatever concert you are watching there will always be a South African flag in the audience.I am watching the Live Earth concert on SABC 2. However poorly the SA side of the concert was handles, the UK one is phenomenal, great bands ans well orchestrated. Today will mark my climate change.I am going to make a point of buying energy saving light bulbs, I will purchase my music online instead of buying CDs, I will try to recycle, save electricity, not keep my heater on, heated blankets, lights etc etc etc etc...Many South Africans (myself included) blogged about the disappointing Live Earth line-up here in SA, but we all missed the point. The concert needs to illustrate effectively to 2 billion people that we (the middle-upperclass) can make a MASSIVE difference in our daily lives. We are destroying the world. This is our biggest issue right now, not war, religious battles, capitalism or any other cause. It is us destroying our Earth.Preaching is not my forte. Get on to SABC 2 now and watch the concert for yourself.

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