Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Mini Crash

Ive been asked to keep the owner of this little crash private so that is what ill do, but wow, what a ripper.This little mini went to market, this little mini tried to get home, this little mini wee wee wee all the way over a fucking bridge, down a hill in a top over bottom roll. Amazing, no one was badly hurt, everyone lived, car was written off.Moral of the story: Dont get drunk with a monkey in the Gspot and drive off a cliff.Keep sending me your Car Crashes, im starting to get interested in how exactly it is that people are surviving this shit.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Car crashes

So, due to my brothers incredible car accident i have become motivated to start publishing photos of the most outrageous crashes that have happened to people that i know, or know of, or who's brothers sisters second aunt twice removed knew at some point. So, send in those photos of your crashes, let me know if you were injured, if someone didnt make it. Let teach some people a lesson about speeding.

Im sure the Hamster (Top Gear) will be excited about this. so lets do it.

Email me photos and story to:

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Save Top Gear NOW

The fantastical British Govt and various politicians are calling for Top Gear to be taken off the air after one of the presenters, Richard Hammond, was involved in an extremely high speed, near fatal car accident.

Do Not Let This Happen! The Govt is trying to squash the show sayin that it is a bad influence on people and that it promotes recklessness. This is utter bullshit. people kill people, not guns, people kill people, not TV shows.

Follow This Link and Sign The Petition. As an avid petrol head and follower of the show i urge you to take two minutes and sign. My signiture was number 28,120. Get yours in there now.

My thoughts are with Richard Hammond and the rest of the Top Gear team.

Read Jeremy Clarkson's statement.

Save Top Gear! Petition

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Some people are meant to live...No matter what.

This is a rock

It is a big rock. Those are skid marks on the road and at the bottom of the photo you can clearly see debris. The debris is from a car. A car that is very much now broken and has been for a few years. My brother had a car accident about 3 or 4 years ago. Blogging really wasnt around back then so I didnt have a forum to publish these photos. The story is one filled with "coincidence" (I dont believe in coincidence) and events that should never have happened, but did. These events saved his life. I wont explain the story cause I think that these photos speak louder than any Arrive Alive advert

Oh, the rock weighs approximately 5 tons.

This is what a 5 ton rock does to a BMW

And this:

I believe that these are a few very good reasons not to speed. For a couple of years dearest John insisted that he wasnt speeding. The proffesionals came in and calculated speeds of over 180Km/h.

Now make a choice. Speed. Or not speed. Its up to you.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Top Gear, Top Crash

Richard Hammond

Richard Hammond of Top Gear fame has had a major accident while driving a dragster around a track. Hammond is one of the funniest little dudes on TV and a guy that i personally enjoy watching and having a laugh to (albeit all on my own, but a laugh nonetheless).

The TV star was apparently travelling at about 480KM's and hour when his dragster overturned. He was attempting a British land speed record.

Scene of the crash

Read the full story here.

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