Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Cancer shavathon

Today is the day. Now is the time for you to shave or your head if you ever felt the need. No one looks at you funny, no one judges you and in fact, people applaud you for supporting the cause. I love it. I think it's a fantastic idea that is always well supported and rightfully so.If you haven't been able to get down to one of the official spots then sit at home, take your top off sit your butt down and shave that head. Now is the time.I went to Cresta Shopping Mall today and was blown away at how many people were sitting and doing their part. The non stop stream of people were in high spirits and willing to part with their hair and air out their follicles. Ofcourse there is always the option to show your support and get your head/hair spray painted. This is a great alternative for those of you who have anal retentive bosses who don't understand the fun side of life and the joys of living outside of the box!

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