Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Flock Support

There are a couple of pros and a couple of con's that come with using new, beta, niche market software. Flock is on such product that I am absolutely hooked on. I have posted about flock before, here.I am however having some issues with Flock. There is nothing wrong with the extension, the tools, the browsing accessibility or anything else that might be obvious, my problem is that Flock is stalling randomly and often. When I say stall I mean that my browsing experience comes to a complete and immediate halt. This has become such a problem for me that I downloaded an extension that allows me to recover me previous browsing session. I really can deal with the stalling occasionally, but not this often.

Flock: The Social Web Browser.

I have sought help. I went on to the flock forums and posted about me troubles, a couple of other people showed interest in helping and all the rest but nothing has come of it. Eventually I must admit another huge, massive and incredible pro of using small, beta, niche products; I have been receiving personalised emails from the Flock staff, the support staff and others attempting to help me out. They are so hell bent on me sticking with their product that they are going out of their way to help me, on person, stay with them.Lets see Microsoft show this kind of dedication to their customers. I don't think so, I may be wrong, but I doubt it.

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