Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Big Media, Little Entrepreneur

Is there a place for small-time entrepreneurs in big media corporations? Yes. For sure. If you are thinking otherwise you are ignorant and missing out big time.My recent move in to a big media corporation was somewhat daunting in the beginning, but has so far proven to be an innovative and experimental move. Yes there are boundaries and yes there is politics but everyone has to deal with that at some point.I am currently in the process of working on a new website for FM Campus. The resources at my disposal are great and the site should be amazing once it is completed (I hope!). This is proving to be an extremely interesting process. Trying to bridge the gap between big media and social networking, viral marketing and web 2.0 concepts. Very fun. Then there is also the business strategy and strategic planning side of the magazine that is also under my control. I also have to ensure that we produce a weekly magazine publication in print! All very exciting but somewhat pressurising, I do like this kind of pressure though.In other words what I am trying to say is that not all corporates or big media organisations are filled with boring plans, no strategies and ancient dilapidated ideas of how things should work. It is not only entrepreneurs who break ground, push the envelope and achieve greatness. There are arguments and examples that support both great entrepreneurs and great established organisations/large corporates (MG, The Times, Mike Stopforth, Afrigator, Dave Duarte, Henk Kleynhans, Twac and many many many many more). So I wont be arguing the pros and cons of either, neither or both.I am trying to say that there is opportunity wherever you are and wherever you want to be. If you want to be an entrepreneur in a big media house then you can and you will meet people along the way who will help you to do this.

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