Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous


The big day is almost here for the USA.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

A South African's experience in the British Army in Iraq

This is some of the most emotive multimedia that I have ever seen. I was meant to blog about this piece when it was released on The Times, but got sidetracked.Astounding. It is refreshing to see things in Iraq from the perspective of a South African and not an American or Iraqi.See for yourself:The Times caption:

A tour in Iraq that ended in tragedy. WARNING: VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED!

Brought to you by: The Times MultimediaThis video was a dramatic and effective part of Carly and Gregor's presentation at the Captivate conference.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Gays shouldn't be in the army

Wow, I had never heard of Chris Crocker before. Until today that is.Do yourself a favour and have a laugh at this young fellow, visit youtube and search for his name. Watch some of his ranting. The Britney vids are my favourite and the most scary of the lot.In the video below he goes on about gay people not having to fight in the war. It's an interesting thought but hard to take seriously coming from him/her:

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

And On The Third Day... Hilton Walked

Image courtesy of ragrap

And we all thought Jesus did a good job of getting out of the ground. Well Paris Hilton seems to be unstoppable on this Earth.There is nothing she cannot do. Record an album, become an actor, start a fashion label and dupe the police in to thinking she isn't suited for prison. My goodness. People complain about the South African Judicial system, let us look at our American brethren and ponder for a moment, shall we?Paris; walk on my girl, walk on. In fact, fucking run and hope that no one catches you and takes you back you sneaking cow.Hilton is now under house arrest for the rest of her 40 day sentence. She is said to be wearing a monitoring bracelet for the duration of her sentence. Mark my words, save this post, digg it, it or whatever but in 40 days from now every tween, teen and trendy biatch is going to want or have a monitoring bracelet as a fashion accessory. Stupid idiots.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

MTV Adverts Banned By US Government

The following three adverts were apparently banned by the US government after a single screening. I am not sure how true this is but these ads are brilliant and effective nonetheless:mtv1.jpgText next to the towers: “2.863 people died”Text next to the guy: “40 milllion of HIV infected in the world.”“The world united against terrorism. It should also be united against AIDS”.mtv2.jpgNext to the towers: “2.863 people died”Next to the kid:: “824 million people starving in the world”.“The world united against terrorism. It should also be united against HUNGER.”mtv3.jpgNext to the towers: “2.863 people died”Next to the old man: “630 million of homeless people in the world”.“The world united against terrorism. It should also be united against POVERTY”.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

One Day of Silence For The USA, How Many For Africa?

I just read on Tylers' blog about a call for one day of silence on April 30th for those who dies in Virginia.Forget it. I outright refuse to observe this. I am saddened by the event as I have stated already but refuse to acknowledge this American rubbish. Why should I in Africa observe a day of non-blogging or "silence" for 30 Americans who died at the hands of one of their own? It is shameful what that freaking psychopath did but I am in South Africa, I am trying to make sense of the thousands, hundreds of thousands that die everyday in Africa and other countries because of trade restraints, Western Capitalists exploiting the people of Africa and others who have tried to take over countries around the world such as Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Vietnam.What about those people? What about the millions of innocents that America has trudge on to get what they want, to gain political, economical and geographical strength? Please. Keep your silence of one day and try taking it on for all of those innocent people that have been massacred by Westerners over the years.I am sorry that I am ranting but it really pisses me off when ignorance meets tragedy and more ignorance ensues. Get a grip on the world America, learn where Africa is, figure out your history and feel the pain of the millions that have suffered at the hands of your apparent "fight for freedom".

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Saddam hanged - wise move?

I received a text this morning at about 8am from a news website in South Africa. The text simply said: "Saddam Hussein Executed". This was enough.Most people would think that this sort of text would fill you with something slightly positive. But not me. I'm not sure why. I'm not going to explain the intricacies of the hanging because it's all over the news anyways. I am going to say that I think that the killing of any man as an example is a silly move. Hanging a man will not end the violence in Iraq. It will not make the fighting stop and the people calm down. In fact I think that it will do the opposite.How can it be claimed that the death of a man, the murder of a man is a move in the right direction for a newly democratic state. Saddam deserved to die, he deserved to suffer but he was made an example of by the Americans who dominate Iraq. 30 people have already been killed in Iraq by a car bomb after the hanging. Violence will not stop. One man does not equal peace or war in many situations.Saddam should have been made more of an example of by keeping him alive, by showing other dictators and people who wish to follow in his path what will happen to you if you make the mistakes he did. Keep him alive and punish him for the rest of his living days. Do not give him the pleasure and satisfaction of a death that is fairly swift.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Kyoto Protocol

It's easy to bitch and moan about something as I have done already today about America and their stance with regard to the Kyoto Protocol. So instead of moaning and bitching I thought that I would outline, educate and criticize with some authority. I spent a few years studying politics at University but think that this is the perfect chance to update my knowledge on something that I feel fairly strongly about. The greenhouse effect is killing our world and not so slowly, I might add.So instead of going to your posh dinner parties and talking about the latest rugby game, Jake White and the Bokke try chatting about something that matters and that might spark some opinion and passion in people. So here goes nothing.Kyoto ProtocolWhat it all means:

"stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system."

Countries who are agree to submit to the Kyoto Protocol agree to reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gasses. There is also a clause that allows high producing countries to trade with other countries that emit less gas in order to keep the average emission down.Countries that have ratified (agreed) with the Protocol are set goals per annum. Countries that do not reach these annual goals are penalised 30% of their allocated annual total in the following year. So if you screw up this year, you get to emit 30% less next year. In other words, get it right now, no excuses. Good work.Carbon CreditsCarbon Credits are a type of currency for the emission world. Countries that are rated low on the carbon producing scale are able to sell their carbon credits to countries producing large amounts of carbon. Its a kind of trade off between allies of some sorts. The less I emit, the more I can sell you, the more you can emit, the more you like me, the better we get on. Easy.SupportThere is huge support for the Kyoto Protocol. The European Union is super keen on the idea (Euro's have always been kinda tree-huggy friendly type of people). It is widely believed that carbon dioxide is promoting the heating of our atmosphere and the greenhouse effect. Thus countries that ratify this protocol are trying to correct this issue.Countries such as Cuba, South Africa, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece and Japan amongst many, many, many others all support the protocol and are actively involved. A full list of countries is available here.OppositionThis is what wikipedia had to say about opposition, I couldn't sum it up better myself.

The two major countries currently opposed to the treaty are the United States and Australia. Some public policy experts who are skeptical of global warming see Kyoto as a scheme to either slow the growth of the world's industrial democracies or to transfer wealth to the third world in what they claim is a global socialism initiative.

So now you know. Think about it, learn about it, promote it and make a change.

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