Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

27 Dinner was awesome, the police weren't

The 27 DinnerI love the 27 Dinners. The most spoken words of the evening must be "I need to talk to you," or "We should really talk."I am not going to post in detail about things as I am sure many other bloggers are planning it, when that happens I will point my readers to their posts and everyone will be happy.Update: There are other bloggers who have said it better than I could've: Carly, Tyler, Matt, Groogle, Vincent, Chillibean and just for sympathy read Mike's post 27 post.My speech apparently went well, people cheered, some laughed with me, others cried but all in all a good response!The PoliceI ended up leaving the dinner at about 1 am last night. That was fine, but then as I turn left on to the highway to get to rivonia, BAM, the cops. Now I honestly did not think that I was over the limit in any way shape or form. Alas, apparently I was. Here is my list of things to do when being stopped by the cops:

  • Be Sober (no shit)
  • Don't be drunk (no shit)
  • Don't talk too much, they'll know you're covering it up
  • Don't talk too little, they'll know you're covering it up
  • Have your license ready.
  • After breathaliser test, ask to see the reading yourself (I did not)
  • Make sure your ID disk on the car is dated correctly

Now, that last point might be incredibly strange to overseas people, but last night it save my butt. After a serious amount of persuasion attempts and offers to get the cop AWAY from a "spot fine" I gave up, there was no way he was taking me to jail, there was no way he was writing me a ticket and there was no way that he was letting me go without some compensation for his hard work.Lets just say the rest worked itself out, he gave me some drinking advice, "You must eat while you drinking, its much safer like that," said the wonderful cop. Thanks Mr. Cop-man you're a gem.Next 27 Dinner, lets leave before 1am and miss the cops. It'll save me a lot of trauma.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

27 Dinner Time

It is almost that time again. The 27 Dinner!With about an hour to go, my 'speech' is still semi-complete and in a bit of a shambles, but I am hoping things will come together. After the Cape Town reviews one needs to be somewhat careful about talking at a 27 dinner. It's also not like the crowd is small. With over 100 people registered for the event there is much to be concerned about.I am simply going to try to keep things short, sweet and effective. I am also hoping to capture the crowds with my dazzling wit and incredible looks (uhu).If you are one of the lucky people attending I will see you there. As Mike mentioned in his post today, I am the dude with lots of facial hair and mostly likely to be sitting by the bar if there is one! Lets hope SA Rocks goes down well.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

27 Dinner - round two

Chatting to good ol' Mr. Stopforth today he slyly slipped in a request for me to speak at the upcoming 27 Dinner this month. I delayed, and "ummed" and "ahhed" and then hastily accepted the offer before Mike took it away!I am exceptionally excited to be speaking and a little bit overwhelmed (there are some serious online persona's that attend the dinner). I will be talking about my website SA Rocks. This is a great opportunity for me to give the site some exposure and get some much needed feedback about the site. In 7 minutes I have to try my absolute hardest not to make a tit out of myself in front of the genii attending.Vincent expressly asked me not to make myself look like a hero. I am not quite sure what this means but rest assured I will not be attending the dinner in a superman suite (I think).I hope to see you all there, places are limited and filling up fast.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

People I chatted to

The 27 Dinner might have been a couple days ago but there are a few people that I met for the first time and I felt I should share the linklove going around:

And then there were the bloggers who got me started:

To all those that I met and forgot due to the free wine, my apologies.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

27 Dinner around the corner

Mike told us all today that there are all of three spots left at the 27 dinner table on Saturday. Personally I am stunned and impressed that we have almost reached 75. I am honoured to be attending and very keen to meet all the bloggers and industry people attending.It will also be somewhat of a mini Rhodes reunion as there are many Rhodents from my year attending. Should be a great nice and an incredible experience that I hope continues every month!

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