We all put roadblocks in our way so we have an excuse when we don't do something we had planned. Today, I want you to start something small, big or dreamy. J...

You will never be younger than you are today, right now, this very minute.

As far as we know this is the only life we get. So, If you are never going to be younger than right now and this is the only life you get... go out and start something.

Start something small, something big or something dreamy.

Start a company. Start a blog. Start a new Facebook group and meet some people.

Start a side hustle. Start to network better. Start a renewed commitment to your job if you love it and want more.

Start caring more about the people around you. Start showing your partner more affection. Start liking yourself a bit more every day. It’s OK to love yourself, it’ll make loving other people easier.

Start exercising today. Start walking every day. Start to breath more deeply and be aware of those breaths.

Start cutting out negative people and welcome in those who lift you up. Start finding your tribe, they’re more important than you can imagine.

Start giving yourself a break. Give others a break too, they’re all doing the best they can.

Start thinking about the family you want or start to let go of the need to have a family. Both of those choices are OK. Start to form a new family that you choose, that’s OK too.

Start reading more and start reading more widely. Start reading views that oppose your own and start to engage with people who are different from you.

Start surrounding yourself with the best people, with people you want to be like and people who only make you better, not worse.

Start being kinder because we could all use more kindness right now.

Start looking after yourself first, that’s self-care not selfish.

Start eating proper food, healthy food, food that makes you better. Start eating the food you love even if it’s occasionally unhealthy. Start to indulge but don’t make indulgence a default.

Start drinking more water. Start drinking that special bottle of bubbly that’s been waiting for the perfect occasion. Today is that special occasion. Start opening that bottle right now.

Start calling your friends more often even when you don’t feel like it. Start growing new friendships even if they may end up breaking down over time.

Start questioning your choices because they may need to change as the world changes around you.

Start thinking about the world, the universe, existence, religion, politics and all the things that seem too big and scary to understand.

Start taking care of your money and understanding your finances. If you don’t, no one else is going to make it easy for you.

Start defining what success means to you and what failure looks like.

Start finding happiness in the smallest of things and be present when you are victorious. Life is filled with small victories that we ignore.

Start ignoring other people and their futile opinions. They don’t matter nearly as much as you think they do.

Start by doing just one thing today that you have been putting off forever.

Start today because you will never be younger than you are right now and this is the only shot you get.




Advice from 30 year old me to 20 year old me