SRC Coup - Students have gone a bit moggy

Studentwire released a story yesterday written by the NUX Editor about a Coup d'etat at the University of Kwazulu-Natal. The SRC is in disseray and things are looking very ominous.

I feel the need to ask: What the hell is going on with student politics. This is the third or fourth University that I have read and heard about having issues with the SRC. Is this just a jostling for power? Is it a matter of rational discontent with people in power? Is there any intention to right the situation? Are students actually interested in their University Governance?

I really wish I had some answers to these questions, but I am not really 100% sure. I would like to think that there are students out there who care about the political state of their campuses. But in turn i would also hope that randsacking the SRC is not the correct way to go about creating change and reform. We are not living in the 60's anymore, there are more effective ways to create change than violent overthrows of government.

Maybe im wrong about that, but seriously, a Coup?? Thats a bit mad if you ask me.

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