SMS spam out of control - Homemark

I have already posted about spam on this blog. Email spam and SMS spam, email being the focus. But now it has really reached epic proportions. Not a day goes by when I don't get SMS'd about winning something stupid, paying someone stupid or someone stupid bugging me.I need to ask a very serious and honest question: Where do these people get my number from?Today it was my brother who was SMS'd the following:

CONGRATULATIONS you have won an INFLATABLE BED from HOMEMARK. To Claim your prize call 011 430 6000 quote ref: xxxxxx. Terms & Con apply.Reply NO to be removed.

Now notice how they abbreviated "conditions" to "Con" ironic hey? Then they do mention that I can reply NO to be removed, but they haven't said from what? If I have honestly won something why would they be giving me the option to be removed?I called the number and this is what they wanted:Me: Hi I've won a bed.Call Assistant: Wonderful sir, our winning caller lines are busy please could I have your name and number for our database so that we can call you back?Me: No thank you, I just want my bed.Call Assistant: Yes sir, but I will need your name and number so that we can call you back.Me: Speaking of my number, where did you get it?Call Assistant: One of your friends or family must have provided your details when they bought something from us.Me: Well I don't agree with that.Call Assistant: If you give me your number sir, I can remove it from our database.Me: Yes thanks.Call Assistant: Thank you sir.What a scam! All they were after was my name and number, there was no bloody bed. Homemark is all over the TV all bloody day, is that not bad enough? Now I need to be spammed when I'm not watching TV too?


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