Shocking: Regator rip off Afrigator... or did they?


In typical SA blogosphere style yesterday we all (myself included) jumped to the defence of Afrigator and condemnation of am pleased to say that the issue has been resolved and we all look a bit silly. I am more than happy to openly acknowledge when I make an err in my ways and this was such a moment. The post below is what I wrote yesterday and how it may seem as though Regator ripped off Afrigator, Scott - one of the Regator co-founders - ensures the Afrigator guys and myself that this entire situation is merely a coincidence.What I think we should be focussing on is how the "holy trinity" hahahahaha of the techblogs, Mashable, RRW and TechCrunch quickly picked up on Regator but only RRW picked up on Afrigator.For now, like Mike and Justin have done, I wish Regator the best of luck!And dip my head for a brief moment to show that I have learned my lesson and wont be jumping on bandwagons any longer (I hope). My closing words: Stii, you got it spot on yet again.I feel compelled to add my voice (or this blog's words) the just opened a beta of their new site. TechCrunch covered it as did ReadWriteWeb and Mashable.First issue I have with this is that I know that TechCrunch fobbed off the Afrigator guys when they asked for some exposure. Secondly TechCrunch should've done their homework and thirdly ReadWriteWeb did cover Afrigator and should be more aware of their content.Justin and Mike both speak out against this and I think it's important that we all try and add our voices to this sort of rubbish.People need to innovate. We all take a little from here, a bit from there but we never duplicate and publicise accordingly. Shocker.


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